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Scenic view of the Neckar weir and lock at Esslingen during high water with strong waves and currents carrying a large tree trunk
Furious Neckar river
Scenic view of the Neckar weir and lock at Esslingen during high water with strong waves and currents carrying a large tree trunk
What normally tends to be a calm floating river, sometimes turns into furious brown rapids. June 2024 will be remembered for bringing some of the heaviest rainfalls ever to the southern parts of Germany, especially Bavaria and Baden-Wuerttemberg. As a result, even small and usually peaceful streams transformed into wild water. I used the short breaks between the downpours to capture the Neckar river in action. (Esslingen, Germany, June 2024 - Image ID: 202406-DE-08)
Afternoon view out of the forest onto downtown Taipei with Taipei 101, Breeze Plaza and other high rise buildings
Scenic afternoon view over Taipei from Elephant Mountain
Afternoon view out of the forest onto downtown Taipei with Taipei 101, Breeze Plaza and other high rise buildings
Isn't this an amazing contrast for densely populated city? I really love how the thick subtropical forest with a lush green color raises above the streets and even the tallest buildings. This image is part of a whole series of scenic evening views of Taipei's Xinyi District with its iconic high rise landmarks. I took them during a hike up the steep stairs of the Xiangshan Trail, climbing up the so-called Elephant Mountain. (Taipei, Taiwan, May 2024 - Image ID: 202405-TW-32)
An old factory made of red bricks, almost completely overgrown by vegetation reclaiming natures territory
Nature overgrowing brick building
An old factory made of red bricks, almost completely overgrown by vegetation reclaiming natures territory
Nature tends to reclaim its territory, and this process goes a lot faster in subtropical climate. I found a huge old factory complex build with red bricks that was completely overgrown by vegetation. This image is part of a whole series taken in Taipei's popular Shilin District. We stayed there during our "coming home" trip in May 2024, and I wanted to explore the area on foot. Instead of shooting scenic views, the focus was on finding interesting unusual photo motifs. (Taipei, Taiwan, May 2024 - Image ID: 202405-TW-44)
Entrance to an old house made of red bricks with lots of flower pots and plants to the left and right of the open door
Romantic house entrance
Entrance to an old house made of red bricks with lots of flower pots and plants to the left and right of the open door
Even though relatively small, the restored Bo-Pi-Liao Historic Street is worth a visit. It somehow feels like time travel into the era of the Qing Dynasty. This image is part of a series taken during an "urban exploration city walk" in Ximending/Mangka. Being one of the oldest districts of Taipei, there is a lot to discover. I always enjoy to capture interesting details by zooming in on them. (Taipei, Taiwan, May 2024 - Image ID: 202405-TW-06)
City park with two trees growing in a V-shape, with Taipei 101 sticking out between the leaves
Taipei 101 park view
City park with two trees growing in a V-shape, with Taipei 101 sticking out between the leaves
Sometimes one is lucky to run into a great photo opportunity just by coincidence. When I walked through the park around the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, I suddenly spotted Taipei's iconic landmark between the trees. This image is part of an entire series taken during an extended walk in Taipei's vibrant Xinyi District. With lots of modern high-rise buildings, shopping centers, restaurants and parks it is a popular spot for both locals and tourists. (Taipei, Taiwan, May 2024 - Image ID: 202405-TW-26)
The stunning Taipei Grand Hotel rooftop and upper floors, partially covered by subtropical forest
Grand Hotel Taipei partial view
The stunning Taipei Grand Hotel rooftop and upper floors, partially covered by subtropical forest
The striking architecture of the Grand Hotel makes it one of Taipei's landmarks since its opening back in the 1950s. Located at the bottom of the Yuanshan Mountain, the colorful design and the height of more than 80 meters make it a spectacular photo motif. The initial purpose was to host foreign dignitaries visiting Taipei. Nowadays it is also a very popular five star tourist destination. Just behind the hotel, the Jiantanshan Hiking Trail climbs up the steep slopes through lush tropical forest. (Taipei, Taiwan, May 2024 - Image ID: 202405-TW-20)
Low-angle view of the entrance of the traditional Chinese architecture Lin An Tai Historic House and Museum, with red tiles making up half of the image
Lin An Tai Historical House entrance
Low-angle view of the entrance of the traditional Chinese architecture Lin An Tai Historic House and Museum, with red tiles making up half of the image
Despite of living five years in Taipei, I never visited the Lin An Tai Historical House and Museum during that time. Coming back in 2024, I put it on my agenda. This photo shows the main entrance. The building was originally constructed by the Lin family in Taipei's Daan District in the 18th century. After relocating it to its current location and intense renovation, the impressive complex reopened to the public in 2000. Visitors can enjoy the park of this Fujian-style courtyard architecture jewel. (Taipei, Taiwan, May 2024 - Image ID: 202405-TW-21)
Facade of a building with colorful metal blinds and a large mirror which reflects a historic street with traditional Chinese houses
Where modern and historic architecture meet
Facade of a building with colorful metal blinds and a large mirror which reflects a historic street with traditional Chinese houses
Mirrors are always a great opportunity to combine things that in practice do not belong together. I found this modern school building, including the slightly bend reflections of Bo-Pi-Liao Historic Street. This image is part of a series taken during an "urban exploration city walk" in Ximending. Being one of the oldest districts of Taipei, there is a lot to discover. I always enjoy to capture interesting details by zooming in on them. (Taipei, Taiwan, May 2024 - Image ID: 202405-TW-05)
Close-up on curved balconies of a residential building with green plants, against another high rise construction with pure straight lines
Curved is so much better
Close-up on curved balconies of a residential building with green plants, against another high rise construction with pure straight lines
No matter how much you love modern architecture, it is always nice to integrate a bit of natural green. What I like a lot about this image is the combination of curved balconies with the straight lines in the background. This photo is part of an entire series taken during an extended walk in Taipei's vibrant Xinyi District. With lots of modern high-rise buildings, shopping centers, restaurants and parks it is a popular spot for both locals and tourists. (Taipei, Taiwan, May 2024 - Image ID: 202405-TW-30)
Close-up of the construction site of the Four Seasons Hotel Taipei, with red metal frame on the left, whereas windows covered with green plastic have already been installed on the right.
Hotel facade in the making
Close-up of the construction site of the Four Seasons Hotel Taipei, with red metal frame on the left, whereas windows covered with green plastic have already been installed on the right.
As in many other downtown areas, development and re-development never stops. After years of preparation, Taipei's skyline will soon boost another iconic high rise building, being the Four Seasons Hotel. Construction is currently in full swing. This photo is part of an entire series taken during an extended walk in Taipei's vibrant Xinyi District. With lots of modern high-rise buildings, shopping centers, restaurants and parks it is a popular spot for both locals and tourists. (Taipei, Taiwan, May 2024 - Image ID: 202405-TW-28)
Horizontal late blue hour shot of Taipei 101 behind ancient buildings nicely illuminated by a colorful lightshow
Old meets new - Taipei 101 lightshow - III
Horizontal late blue hour shot of Taipei 101 behind ancient buildings nicely illuminated by a colorful lightshow
Even after sunset, there is a lot to discover in Taipei. Coming down from Elephant Mountain, I continued my walk in Xinyi District. On the way towards Taipei 101, I spotted some buildings that looks rather old and stood out from the modern surroundings. Getting closer, it turned out to be "44 South Military Village". This previously Japanese complex has now been converted into a cultural center with cafes, restaurants and shops. In the evening, a colorful lightshow is projected on the ancient walls. (Taipei, Taiwan, May 2024 - Image ID: 202405-TW-41)
House with turquoise bricks and three windows protected with metal bars, overlooking a seriously damaged blue sunblind
Better safe than sorry
House with turquoise bricks and three windows protected with metal bars, overlooking a seriously damaged blue sunblind
In Taipei, heavily barred windows are a common view. Based on my understanding, the purpose mainly is to protect glass windows against flying objects during typhoon season. Looking at the blinds below them, one tends to believe it. This image is part of a series taken during an "urban exploration city walk" in Ximending. Being one of the oldest districts of Taipei, there is a lot to discover. I always enjoy to capture interesting details by zooming in on them. (Taipei, Taiwan, May 2024 - Image ID: 202405-TW-03)
Scenic view of Taipei's Shilin District from a mountain hiking trail, with subtropical forest in the foreground
Forest view over Shilin
Scenic view of Taipei's Shilin District from a mountain hiking trail, with subtropical forest in the foreground
One of the things I really like about Taipei is the frequent close proximity of nature in a city with several million inhabitants. In this case, the panorama of Shilin is nicely framed by lush tropical trees. The Taipei Performing Arts Center with its huge sphere clearly stands out from the crowd. This image is part of a series taken on the Jiantanshan Hiking Trail. A steep path with many stairs climbs up from Shilin to the Jiantan Mountain through dense forest, and offers a lot of scenic views. (Taipei, Taiwan, May 2024 - Image ID: 202405-TW-12)
Low angle view of the orange rooftop of Taipei's Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, with Taipei Arena in the background on the left
Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall and Taipei Arena
Low angle view of the orange rooftop of Taipei's Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, with Taipei Arena in the background on the left
The striking architecture of the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Taipei's Xinyi District is impossible to miss. Located in the Chung-shan Park, it is a popular tourist attraction. Apart from honoring Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the multi-purpose building also serves as social, educational and cultural center for the public. From the right position, one can capture the iconic roofs of both this building and the Taipei Arena in the background. (Taipei, Taiwan, May 2024 - Image ID: 202405-TW-25)
Low-angle view of a tree with fresh green leaves against the backdrop of a white building
Nature in the city
Low-angle view of a tree with fresh green leaves against the backdrop of a white building
Imagine this same place without the tree? The whole scene would look rather hostile and clinical. The fresh green leaves on the other hand creates a far more natural and pleasant feeling for inhabitants and by passers alike. This image is part of a whole series taken in Taipei's popular Shilin District. We stayed there during our "coming home" trip in May 2024, and I wanted to explore the area on foot. Instead of shooting scenic views, the focus was on finding interesting unusual photo motifs. (Taipei, Taiwan, May 2024 - Image ID: 202405-TW-47)
Low-angle view of shopping center with modern red and black metal design against blue sky
Modern building against sky
Low-angle view of shopping center with modern red and black metal design against blue sky
Shopping is one of the most popular weekend activities for Taiwanese families. Many large department store showcase both local and import products. Most luxury brands have their flagship stores in Taipei's Xinyi District. This photo is part of an entire series taken during an extended walk in this area. With lots of modern high-rise buildings, shopping centers, restaurants and parks it is a popular spot for both locals and tourists. (Taipei, Taiwan, May 2024 - Image ID: 202405-TW-29)
Evening view of Taipei 101 against a colorful sunset sky, framed by trees of a subtropical forest
Framed evening view of Taipei 101
Evening view of Taipei 101 against a colorful sunset sky, framed by trees of a subtropical forest
Is there a better way to frame a cityscape than trees? I really love how the thick subtropical forest with a lush green color raises above the streets and even the tallest buildings. This image is part of a whole series of scenic evening views of Taipei's Xinyi District with its iconic high rise landmarks. I took them during a hike up the steep stairs of the Xiangshan Trail, climbing up the so-called Elephant Mountain. (Taipei, Taiwan, May 2024 - Image ID: 202405-TW-38)
Close-up on a mostly covered window framed by rusty corrugated iron panels
Corrugated iron window
Close-up on a mostly covered window framed by rusty corrugated iron panels
Whereas most of the old factory was overgrown by plants, one side towards the street consisted of rusty metal sheets. Even though I couldn't really see through it, this window and its surrounding structure caught my attention. This image is part of a whole series taken in Taipei's popular Shilin District. We stayed there during our "coming home" trip in May 2024, and I wanted to explore the area on foot. Instead of shooting scenic views, the focus was on finding interesting unusual photo motifs. (Taipei, Taiwan, May 2024 - Image ID: 202405-TW-46)
Idyllic view of reeds field with rural German coastal village and dark sky
Dark skies over village rooftops
Idyllic view of reeds field with rural German coastal village and dark sky
If you love beautiful beaches with white sand, you first association might be tropical destinations, such as the Caribbean. There are however also a lot of such spots here in Europe. Around the Baltic Sea, you will find miles of unspoiled nature. Unless you go in high season, these places tend to be rather empty. The Fischland Darss Zingst peninsula in Mecklenburg Vorpommern in Germany is one of them. Apart from the coastline itself, the small picturesque villages are equally worth visiting. (Darss, Germany, May 2004 - Image ID: 200405-DE-07)
Diagonal scenic view of Lhasa's Potala Palace against cloudy snow-capped mountain peaks
Potala Palace against cloud- and snow-covered mountains
Diagonal scenic view of Lhasa's Potala Palace against cloudy snow-capped mountain peaks
What a breathtaking view to conclude our stay in Tibet. Despite (or because of?) the bad weather, the majestic Potala Palace with cloudy mountains covered by fresh snow looks absolutely magic. I particularly liked the sharp contrast between the impressive manmade construction, and the untamed beauty of nature. Zooming in combined these two elements even closer. (Lhasa, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-66)
Orange wall with a massive black portal hosting a nicely decorated red wooden door
Tashi Lhunpo red door and portal
Orange wall with a massive black portal hosting a nicely decorated red wooden door
Within the Tashi Lhunpo monastery, there are some truly impressive ancient door portals. Their striking colors and size make it impossible to miss them. My favorite was this red door integrated into a wall painted in dark orange. The thick black frame made it look even bigger than it actually was. And the colorful decoration on the wood and the door itself were very artistic. (Shigatse, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-58)
Red buildings with artfully decorated golden roof against mountain ridge
Tashi Lhunpo monastery against mountain ridge
Red buildings with artfully decorated golden roof against mountain ridge
One our way out, I took this photo showing some of the buildings and rooftops of the Tashi Lhunpo Monastery against the backdrop of the surrounding mountains. A number of prayer flags is distributed this steep and rocky terrain. The colors of the construction nicely fit to the earthy tones of nature. The ornaments and carvings on the buildings and the golden rooftops are an impressive evidence of Tibetan artistic skills. (Shigatse, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-62)
Low-angle view of white Tibetan stupas with golden top against blue sky
Tashi Lhunpo monastery stupas
Low-angle view of white Tibetan stupas with golden top against blue sky
The Tashi Lhunpo complex is the second largest monastery in Tibet. Founded back in 144t by the first Dalai Lama, it is the traditional seat of the Panchen Lama. At peak times, more than 4.000 monks resided within the huge complex. As in many other monasteries', Tashi Lhunpo also has some architecturally impressive and culturally important stupas which I captured against the dark blue cloudy sky. (Shigatse, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-57)
Low-angle view of the huge nine-floor high Kumbum at Palcho Monastery against blue sky
Kumbum at Palcho Monastery
Low-angle view of the huge nine-floor high Kumbum at Palcho Monastery against blue sky
The main attraction within the huge Palcho Monastery complex is the Bodhi Dagoba, also called Kumbum, the largest of its kind in Tibet. More than 70 chapels are located on the nine floors within this impressive structure, with each of them being unique. I took quite a lot of photos from the inside as well, documenting the colorful shrines with wall paintings. Unfortunately, despite of having a local guide, it was rather difficult to understand and remember the meaning of all these historic artefacts. (Gyantse, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-52)
Frontal view of a building with a large wooden door and weathered bricks again sky with clouds
Brick house with wooden door against sky
Frontal view of a building with a large wooden door and weathered bricks again sky with clouds
After the interesting visit of the Palcho Monastery, we walked across to the other side of town to climb the Gyantse fortress. On our way, I discovered this very old looking brick building with its even older looking wooden door. If you look carefully, you will spot a single pigeon sitting on the upper left corner of this portal. I liked the weathered look of this construction against the dark blue sky. (Gyantse, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-53)
Blue sky with white clouds and the red wall protecting the Palcho Monastery in Gyantse
Outer walls of Palcho Monastery
Blue sky with white clouds and the red wall protecting the Palcho Monastery in Gyantse
Another impressive destination on our journey through parts of Tibet was the Nyangchu river valley in Gyantse. It is home of the impressive Palcho Monastery. As most of the Tibetan monasteries, it is heavily fortified. A huge red colored wall built around it on the surrounding hills protects the entire complex. Just the low-angle view of this more than 500 year old construction against the dark sky was already quite amazing. (Gyantse, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-50)
Portrait of a friendly smiling fruit vendor with his cart filled with citrus fruit and apples
Happy fruit merchant in Lhasa
Portrait of a friendly smiling fruit vendor with his cart filled with citrus fruit and apples
When you walk around a town during a holiday trip, one tends to get a feeling about the locals living there as well. Are they open, curious and welcoming towards visitors, or rather shy or even showing a repressive attitude? During our time in Lhasa, we mostly met people who fell into the first category. Even though communication was difficult due to language issues, we saw a lot of friendly smiles. This fruit merchant proudly presented his mobile shop to us. (Lhasa, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-29)
Line-up of four metal chairs with red seats and backs in front of a weathered blue wall
Four aged metal chairs with red seats
Line-up of four metal chairs with red seats and backs in front of a weathered blue wall
Yes, these chairs have definitely seen better days. But they are still in working condition, and therefore are properly lined up, waiting for "customers". I found this line-up during a stroll in the narrow alleys and streets of the old town of Lhasa. (Lhasa, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-27)
Pieces of fresh meat hanging outside a butchery in Lhasa Old Town
Freshly cut meat in Lhasa old town butchery
Pieces of fresh meat hanging outside a butchery in Lhasa Old Town
I always find it quite interesting to visit local markets when I travel to foreign countries. For visitors coming from "developed countries", this might not be the most appealing place to buy meat. However, this is how a local butchery in Lhasa old town looks like, and the merchandise was quite fresh. What obviously helps are the low temperatures in Tibet, compared to similar set-ups in the tropics. (Lhasa, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-30)
Green painted sheet metal with a silver bucket, a broom and a floor wiper
Ready for spring cleaning
Green painted sheet metal with a silver bucket, a broom and a floor wiper
In many cultures, the awakening of spring is also the time when people do a major clean-up in their homes and gardens. After a long and sometimes tough winter, this marks the beginning of a new era. Therefore, even people usually not very passionate about housekeeping do follow this tradition. I found this diverse line-up in the old town of Lhasa. (Lhasa, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-28)
Low-angle view of a dark-blue parasol with the shade of the branch of a tree
Blue sunshade with tree shadow
Low-angle view of a dark-blue parasol with the shade of the branch of a tree
Admittedly, this sunshade photo could be from anywhere, and Tibet would probably one of the last places I would guess. However, this is where I found this beautiful blue color. The purpose of the umbrella was to protect guests sitting outside in the patio of a local restaurant in Lhasa. In addition to the structure of the sunshade, a branch of a tree also left an interesting shadow pattern on the textile parasol. (Lhasa, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-31)
Close-up on wall with religious symbols and golden rooftop within the Jokhang Temple in Lhasa
Golden roof and wall symbols of Jokhang Temple
Close-up on wall with religious symbols and golden rooftop within the Jokhang Temple in Lhasa
Another very popular destination for both pilgrims and tourists visiting Lhasa is the Jokhang Monastery. This Buddhist temple located at Barkhor Square in the city center probably is the most sacred one in the whole of Tibet. The oldest parts date back to year 650, and the building was then extended in various stages until it reached it's impressive current size. The walls are decorated with many carved symbols and figurines, on top of which there are golden roofs, deer statues and a Dharma wheel . (Lhasa, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-05)
Partial view of the Potala Palace in Lhasa from low angle against blue sky
Low-angle view of Potala Palace
Partial view of the Potala Palace in Lhasa from low angle against blue sky
The Potala Palace probably is the most famous building in Lhasa. Build on top of a hill, this fortified monastery truly stands out with its unique architecture and the red and white paint. The size of 400x300m with 13 stories, more than 1.000 rooms and countless shrines is equally impressive. Therefore, this World Heritage Site is an absolute must on every tourist's agenda. Since the mid of the 17th century until 1959, it used to be the winter palace for the Dalai Lamas. (Lhasa, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-04)
Golden dharma wheel and two lying deer on top of the Jokhang temple with mountain range in the background
Jokhang Temple rooftop with Dharma Wheel and Chinese flag
Golden dharma wheel and two lying deer on top of the Jokhang temple with mountain range in the background
Apart from the interior, a visit to the rooftop of the Jokhang Temple is highly recommended. From there, visitors can enjoy stunning views over the city of Lhasa and the surrounding mountains. This image also shows one of the most iconic Buddhist symbols of this sacred place: two golden deer flanking the Dharma Wheel, representing Buddha's teaching and the walking of the path to enlightenment. (Lhasa, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-07)
A group of sixteen Tibetan pilgrims on top of the Jokhang Temple against sky and mountain range
Group of Buddhist pilgrims on Jokhang Temple rooftop
A group of sixteen Tibetan pilgrims on top of the Jokhang Temple against sky and mountain range
As the most sacred and most important Buddhist temple in Tibet, the Jokhang Monastery attracts a lot of pilgrim visitors. This group covering people of all ages was kind enough to let me take some pictures. One could clearly sense how important and inspiring it was for them to visit this holy place. Unfortunately, a more in-depth communication about their origin and journey was not possible due to language barriers. (Lhasa, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-08)
Jokhang Monastery golden roof against blue sky
Golden roof details from Lhasa's Jokhang Monastery
Jokhang Monastery golden roof against blue sky
This close-up of one of the golden roofs on top of the Jokhang Temple shows the incredible artwork of the architects and craftsmen. Both the paintings on the wooden parts, as well as all the golden carvings and figurines are absolutely breathtaking, especially on sunny days with blue skies. (Lhasa, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-06)
Family picture of Tibetan pilgrim couple with toddler on top of the Jokhang Temple in Lhasa
Close-up of Tibetan pilgrims family
Family picture of Tibetan pilgrim couple with toddler on top of the Jokhang Temple in Lhasa
This close-up of a Tibetan family is also from the rooftop of the Jokhang Temple, the most sacred Buddhist monument in Tibet. They were kind enough to let me take some pictures during their visit. One could clearly sense how important and inspiring it was for them to visit this holy place. Unfortunately, a more in-depth communication about their origin and journey was not possible due to language barriers. (Lhasa, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-09)
Window with metal bars and flower pots with cacti
Cacti behind bars
Window with metal bars and flower pots with cacti
Not sure what crime these cacti have been convicted for to end up behind bars? Historic towns and their city centers are always great places for urban exploration photography. Instead of ticking off the "Must Visit" tourist attractions, there usually is no specific plan for this activity. The whole idea is to just walk around, absorb the look & feel and keep an open eye for interesting details. (Toledo, Spain, March 2024 - Image ID: 202403-ES-03)
Green palm tree shaped plant illuminated by the sun on a balcony with red wall
Balcony plant taking a sunbath
Green palm tree shaped plant illuminated by the sun on a balcony with red wall
Considering the low temperatures and strong wind in Madrid, I am not sure if this plant survives outdoors the entire winter. Historic towns and their city centers are always great places for urban exploration photography. Instead of ticking off the "Must Visit" tourist attractions, there usually is no specific plan for this activity. The whole idea is to just walk around, absorb the look & feel and keep an open eye for interesting details. (Madrid, Spain, March 2024 - Image ID: 202403-ES-35)
Square-shaped window style air outlet in a yellow wall
Blinded window in yellow wall
Square-shaped window style air outlet in a yellow wall
The longer I look at this image, the more I doubt that it deserves to be called a window. Initially, I thought the glass was just covered by metal blinds. However, this rather appears to be an air outlet for ventilation of whatever is behind. Anyway, the shape and the interesting color combination justify to include it in my Segovia urban exploration portfolio. (Segovia, Spain, March 2024 - Image ID: 202403-ES-24)
View on a resident home through the arch at the end of an alley
The end of an old town alley
View on a resident home through the arch at the end of an alley
Sometimes, the single elements of a photo don't have anything special. However, once you find the right angle and compose them into an image, the result becomes quite eye-catching. This picture from the old town of Segovia might be a good example. Neither the alley itself, nor the house with its doors and windows stand out for architectural excellence. Yet I very much liked how the end of the road is framed by the arch and the red walls. (Segovia, Spain, March 2024 - Image ID: 202403-ES-29)
Close-up on a green flower pot with daffodils hanging on a balcony railing
Daffodil balcony plants
Close-up on a green flower pot with daffodils hanging on a balcony railing
Whenever I see daffodils, I know that Easter time is coming up! I found these during a stroll in Madrid. Historic towns and their city centers are always great places for urban exploration photography. Instead of ticking off the "Must Visit" tourist attractions, there usually is no specific plan for this activity. The whole idea is to just walk around, absorb the look & feel and keep an open eye for interesting details. (Madrid, Spain, March 2024 - Image ID: 202403-ES-34)
Diagonal angle view of brick wall with all windows blocked with metal bars
Bars and bricks
Diagonal angle view of brick wall with all windows blocked with metal bars
Sometimes it makes sense to look for another angle than the most obvious location for a photoshoot. Historic towns and their city centers are always great places for urban exploration photography. Instead of ticking off the "Must Visit" tourist attractions, there usually is no specific plan for this activity. The whole idea is to just walk around, absorb the look & feel and keep an open eye for interesting details. (Madrid, Spain, March 2024 - Image ID: 202403-ES-05)
Close-up on an old metal door painted with green color
Metal door painted in light green
Close-up on an old metal door painted with green color
This image is a good example how zooming in on specific details can make a photo a lot more interesting than just shooting the complete scenery. Yes, the green metal door in the old town of Segovia alone was an interesting motif, contrasting with the building wall. However, to really appreciate the different shades of green, once needs to take a closer look. This one also reveals the decay with spots of rust and the two keyholes. (Segovia, Spain, March 2024 - Image ID: 202403-ES-26)
A balcony with a Spanish flag folded on top of the metal railing
Spanish flag gone with the wind
A balcony with a Spanish flag folded on top of the metal railing
Whilst this balcony seems to be well protected against pigeons, the Spanish flag clearly has seen better days. Constantly moved by the strong wind between the buildings, it has been stabbed by the metal wire on top of the railing. This is not meant to be symbolic; it just caught my attention. And I love the color scheme ranging from yellow over brown to red. (Avila, Spain, March 2024 - Image ID: 202403-ES-22)
Close-up on a green metal balcony with yellow flowerpot and pigeon
Green balcony with pigeon and flowers
Close-up on a green metal balcony with yellow flowerpot and pigeon
I don't like pigeons, I really don't. For this reason, I have very few pictures with theses "rats of the air". For this shot, however, I really liked to have this single bird on the balcony railing. Together with one of the blinds being half open, it added a nice aspect to an otherwise rather symmetrical photo. If you like balconies as a photo subject, Madrid is a great location to go to. (Madrid, Spain, March 2024 - Image ID: 202403-ES-31)
No parking sign next to a closed window with spear-shaped bars
Confusing arrows
No parking sign next to a closed window with spear-shaped bars
Obviously, the arrow on the street sign has no relation whatsoever with the spearhead-shaped bars in front of the closed window. Nevertheless, I found it funny how they seem to point into different directions. I also liked the particular structure in the stones used for building this house. (Segovia, Spain, March 2024 - Image ID: 202403-ES-25)
Rustic stone wall with two empty black plastic chairs in front
Two black plastic chairs waiting
Rustic stone wall with two empty black plastic chairs in front
Chairs are one of my long-standing favorite photo motifs. One reason is that you find them everywhere on this planet, in countless different shapes, materials, and colors. Placing them in an interesting location, be it in- our outdoors, multiplies the opportunities for capturing something special. In addition to this, chairs tend to be something pleasant, silently waiting and inviting us to take a rest. (Avila, Spain, March 2024 - Image ID: 202403-ES-20)
Close-up on black street lantern against red and yellow building facade
Street lantern meets colorful facade
Close-up on black street lantern against red and yellow building facade
Apart from doors, windows and balconies, Madrid also has a lot of diverse and attractive street lanterns. Walking around town, this offers many opportunities for photographers. Depending on where you stand and which background you choose, the same motif can give you countless different results. For me, combining old metal lanterns with colorful building facades was the best option to capture their beauty. (Madrid, Spain, March 2024 - Image ID: 202403-ES-32)
Low angle view of the Roman aqueduct bridge in Segovia
Segovia's impressive Roman aqueduct bridge
Low angle view of the Roman aqueduct bridge in Segovia
There are certain places that leave you speechless once you start thinking about their history and construction. The Roman aqueduct in Segovia (Spain) clearly falls into this category. It is hard to imagine how architects and craftsmen were able to design and actually build something like this almost 2.000 years ago. Supplying water to the city from the nearby mountains, the aqueduct was in use until 1973. And the bridge with its 167 arches made of unmortared granite blocks is absolutely stunning. (Segovia, Spain, March 2024 - Image ID: 202403-ES-23)
Small dog standing on balcony watching down
I am watching you
Small dog standing on balcony watching down
Without it barking, I would most likely not have seen this dog on the balcony of a Madrid apartment building. Historic towns and their city centers are always great places for urban exploration photography. Instead of ticking off the "Must Visit" tourist attractions, there usually is no specific plan for this activity. The whole idea is to just walk around, absorb the look & feel and keep an open eye for interesting details. (Madrid, Spain, March 2024 - Image ID: 202403-ES-06)
Diagonal view of the city wall of Avila with many towers
Avila city wall numerous towers
Diagonal view of the city wall of Avila with many towers
The historic city wall around Avila includes the unbelievable number of eighty (80!) towers. Before travelling to Madrid, I had never heard about Avila, a historic town approx. 100km northwest of the Spanish capital. Once we started to investigate worthwhile destinations for a day-trip, the images of the medieval city walls immediately caught my attention. I found it very impressive to walk around and to admire this breathtaking construction. (Avila, Spain, March 2024 - Image ID: 202403-ES-19)
Building tops of Madrid's Puerta del Sol reflecting in a round-shaped glass panel
Puerta del Sol reflections
Building tops of Madrid's Puerta del Sol reflecting in a round-shaped glass panel
The "Puerta del Sol" square in Madrid usually is quite a busy place. No matter if you visit during the day or at night, there are always a lot of visitors there, both locals and tourists. Despite of the beautiful and impressive architecture surrounding the place, I didn't really want to take the usual photo. Walking around a bit, I found something different. The top of some of the buildings nicely reflected in a round glass panel against the blue sky. (Madrid, Spain, March 2024 - Image ID: 202403-ES-33)
Tree blooming with pink flowers in old town Madrid alley
Springtime in the city
Tree blooming with pink flowers in old town Madrid alley
Even though it was rather cold during our visit to Madrid in early March, the awakening of Spring was obvious everywhere. Fresh flowers on the balconies, blooming bushes in the numerous parks, and the first trees in full blossom added even more color to the already beautiful city center. (Madrid, Spain, March 2024 - Image ID: 202403-ES-13)
Six pairs of denim trousers on a rod converted into flower pots
Denim jeans flower pots
Six pairs of denim trousers on a rod converted into flower pots
Isn't is amazing with what kind of creative ideas some people come up with. Converting denim jeans with shoes into flower pots is absolutely eye-catching. Historic towns and their city centers are always great places for urban exploration photography. Instead of ticking off the "Must Visit" tourist attractions, there usually is no specific plan for this activity. The whole idea is to just walk around, absorb the look & feel and keep an open eye for interesting details. (Madrid, Spain, March 2024 - Image ID: 202403-ES-07)
Facade of an old apartment building with many balcony equipped windows for sale
Historic building for sale
Facade of an old apartment building with many balcony equipped windows for sale
Sometimes it is quite surprising to find historic real estate in prime locations being up for sale. During our trip to Spain, we found a number of old buildings such as hotels and apartment buildings on the market. This one is right on the main square of Segovia, the Plaza Mayor. I guess one of the reasons why it has not found a new owner might be necessary investments in renovation and the high ongoing maintenance costs. (Segovia, Spain, March 2024 - Image ID: 202403-ES-28)
Peach and yellow colored wall with weathered paint
Weathered peach fuzz and yellow paint - II
Peach and yellow colored wall with weathered paint
Closing in on weathered paint offers countless opportunities for capturing interesting and colorful patterns. I really like the combination of yellow patches with the peach surface. Historic towns and their city centers are always great places for urban exploration photography. Instead of ticking off the "Must Visit" tourist attractions, there usually is no specific plan for this activity. The whole idea is to just walk around, absorb the look & feel and keep an open eye for interesting details. (Madrid, Spain, March 2024 - Image ID: 202403-ES-11)
Low angle view of one of the city gates of Avila with towers
Avila city gate and towers
Low angle view of one of the city gates of Avila with towers
Before travelling to Madrid, I had never heard about Avila, a historic town approx. 100km northwest of the Spanish capital. Once we started to investigate worthwhile destinations for a day-trip, the images of the medieval city walls immediately caught my attention. Unfortunately, we went there on a Monday, and in winter access is closed that day. However, just walking around the impressive construction was already quite impressive. (Avila, Spain, March 2024 - Image ID: 202403-ES-18)
Metro station sign with nice Madrid building facade as background
Madrid metro station sign
Metro station sign with nice Madrid building facade as background
One of the things that impressed me most in the heart of Madrid were the almost artistic and well-maintained facades of the buildings. This refers not only to museums, palaces, hotels, churches etc., but also to the apartment buildings. Most of them seem to have been recently repainted, and as such create an eye-catching architectural ensemble. The sign of the metro station in front of this house added a striking color contrast. (Madrid, Spain, March 2024 - Image ID: 202403-ES-17)
Partial view of old town Toledo from scenic viewpoint
Tagus river with Toledo old town in winter
Partial view of old town Toledo from scenic viewpoint
This close-up from the "Mirador del Valle" viewpoint shows the stunning panorama of Toledo. The "Imperial City" is testimony of its long history dating back more than 2.000 years. It is also called the "City of the Three Cultures" because of the strong influence of Christian, Jewish and Muslim people living together in peace of centuries. Once you move into the narrow alleys of the Old Town with high walls around you, it is very difficult to get an overview of the beauty of this historic place (Toledo, Spain, March 2024 - Image ID: 202403-ES-02)
City wall with merlons made of red bricks and tiles
Hengchun North Gate city wall
City wall with merlons made of red bricks and tiles
The city of Hengchun is located just about 10km away from Kenting. The old town with many historic buildings is the main touristic attraction. With their intense color, the red bricks of the city wall and gates seem to shine bright, even on cloudy days. Due to the high amount of rainfall in this area, the landscape around the city contrasts with countless shades of green. Taking a walk on top of the wall and inside the city is definitely worth a trip. (Hengchun, Taiwan, January 1994 - Image ID 201401-TW-03)
Curved metal poles illuminated by the sun
Evening sunlight on Taipei 101 metal fence
Curved metal poles illuminated by the sun
To truly benefit from going to the top of Taipei's 101 Tower, good weather with clear skies is essential. For me, one of the best times to go is late in the afternoon to observe the sunset. The viewing platform is completely surrounded with a huge railing. The curved shape is clearly chosen on purpose to prevent anyone from trying to climb over it. The warm sunlight nicely reflected on the metal poles, and turned them into a golden cage. (Taipei, Taiwan, November 2013 - Image ID: 201311-TW-08)
Scenic view of Neuschwanstein Castle and Forggensee in fall
Autumn view Neuschwanstein Castle and Forggen Lake
Scenic view of Neuschwanstein Castle and Forggensee in fall
This photo most likely doesn't require a title or description. There are some places in the world that are so well-known that most people will recognize them immediately. Neuschwanstein Castle clearly falls into this category. Less tourists will be able to correctly name the lake in the background. What I really do like about this Instagram magnet is how much the atmosphere and the visuals change during the course of the year. Autumn for me is probably the nicest season to visit. (Neuschwanstein, Germany, November 2023 - Image ID: 202311-DE-03)
Night city view with binoculars from Taipei 101
Binoculars on Taipei 101 night viewing platform
Night city view with binoculars from Taipei 101
After sunset, the viewing deck on Taipei 101 slowly gets less busy. Some permanently installed binoculars still wait for customers who might want to explore some details of Taipei with this nice illumination. The platform is completely surrounded with a huge railing to ensure the safety of local and international tourists. Somehow it looked and felt like a massive metal cage. (Taipei, Taiwan, November 2013 - Image ID: 201311-TW-15)
Scenic afternoon view over north Taipei and Yangmingshan
Scenic view of Taipei and Yangmingshan
Scenic afternoon view over north Taipei and Yangmingshan
From the platform on top of 101, visitors can enjoy spectacular views over Taipei and New Taipei City. This image shows Songshan District including the city airport bearing the same name, as well as Zhongshan and Dazhi. In the background, the peaks of Yangmingshan go up to more than 1.000 meters above sea level. I particularly liked the afternoon mood with lights already on. From the platform on top of 101, visitors can enjoy spectacular views over Taipei and New Taipei City. This image shows Songshan District including the city airport bearing the same name, as well as Zhongshan and Dazhi. In the background, the peaks of Yangmingshan go up to more than 1.000 meters above sea level. I particularly liked the afternoon mood with lights already on. (Taipei, Taiwan, November 2013 - Image ID: 201311-TW-13)
Sunset panoramic view of Taipei City
Taipei City skyline at sunset
Sunset panoramic view of Taipei City
A view in westerly direction shows part of Taipei City shortly before sunset. Taken from the viewing deck of the iconic Taipei 101 landmark, visitors can enjoy unobstructed views in all directions. The main roads are already illuminated by the headlights of the cars during rush hour. Keelung River runs through the image from left to right, reflecting the red evening sky. (Taipei, Taiwan, November 2013 - Image ID: 201311-TW-14)
View from below on Taipei's Dazhi bridge at night
Dazhi Bridge Taipei at night
View from below on Taipei's Dazhi bridge at night
Whilst most of the traffic with cars, trucks and buses crosses the upper side of this bridge, there is also a lot of activity below it. Next to the river, there are lots of parks with sporting facilities, and one of the longest bicycle routes in Taipei. I used to go there frequently riding my bike after work at night. Many locals did the same, or used the path for running. A few times I took my camera gear, and captured the stunning illuminated scenery like the Dazhi Bridge from below. (Taipei, Taiwan, November 2013 - Image ID: 201311-TW-05)
Taipei's Grand Hotel illuminated at night
Grand Hotel Taipei at night
Taipei's Grand Hotel illuminated at night
After sunset, cities develop a special atmosphere. This is definitely true for the famous Grand Hotel in Taipei's Zhongshan District. The pure size of this classical Chinese building is impressive. During its history, it hosted many dignitaries from all around the world. Located next to one of the multistory freeways, this landmark is one of the first attractions international travelers will see on their way from the airport to the city center. I really love how this architecture comes to life with the illumination. (Taipei, Taiwan, November 2013 - Image ID: 201311-TW-04)
Scenic view of Keelung River with bridges at night
Keelung river bank and bridges at night
Scenic view of Keelung River with bridges at night
Most of the bicycle trails follow the riverbanks, and as such are flat and suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels. With Taipei being extremely safe, many people will use them even at nighttime, when it gets a bit "colder", and it is not as busy as during the day. I used to cycle frequently either towards the northern coast or into the city. Sometimes I even took my camera gear, trying to capture the special atmosphere of the river at night with its recreational parks and the surrounding architecture. (Taipei, Taiwan, November 2013 - Image ID: 201311-TW-06)
Scenic view of Miami's Brickell beachfront buildings
Miami Brickell beachfront hotel and condominiums
Scenic view of Miami's Brickell beachfront buildings
Nothing is a constant as change, especially when it comes to property development. For this reason, the beachfront in Miami keeps changing constantly. This view from 20 years ago shows the southern part of Brickell. A number of high-rise condominiums are located behind the beautiful pool landscape of the Four Seasons Hotel. (Miami, USA, November 2003 - Image ID 200311-US-01)
A shallow pool with many palm trees
Palm trees pool landscape
A shallow pool with many palm trees
This rather unusual palm tree garden is part of the impressive pool landscape of the Four Seasons Hotel in Miami's Brickell district. I found this idea both unique as well as quite visually attractive. For swimming however, this pool is not the perfect place. The water is far too shallow for any laps or other serious water sport. (Miami, USA, November 2003 - Image ID 200311-US-03)
Partial view of Stuttgart Solitude Castle against dark blue sky
Solitude Castle evening sunlight
Partial view of Stuttgart Solitude Castle against dark blue sky
This image perfectly illustrates why my favorite material for loutdoor photography used to be low ASA Fuji slide film. The intense colors created impressive contrasts and dramatic effects. Combine this with a polarization filter, and you get images like this - no need to enhance with Photoshop. I took this image at Stuttgart's Solitude Castle on a sunny October evening. (Stuttgart, Germany, October 1993 - Image ID: 199310-DE-02)
Roof of Chinese temple decorated with dragons
Jiufen Chinese temple roof
Roof of Chinese temple decorated with dragons
Amongst other attractions, there are a number of impressive temples in the Jiufen area. What always caught my attention are the extremely colorful roofs decorated with countless motifs. Especially dragons are a very common sight, contrasting with the sky in the background (Jiufen, Taiwan, October 2013 Image ID: 201310-TW-02)
Romantic pond with water lilies in botanical garden
Water lilies pond Wilhelma botanical gardens
Romantic pond with water lilies in botanical garden
This rather romantic place is usually pretty busy during opening hours of the Wilhelma in Stuttgart. It is a unique combination of a zoo and botanical gardens, surrounded by another large park. A number of ponds with and without fountains invite to take a rest on one of the surrounding benches. I particularly like the ones covered with water lilies during flowering season. (Stuttgart, Germany, September 1993 - Image ID: 199309-DE-01)
Diagonal group of five red English telephone booths
Five iconic red English telephone booths lined up diagonally
Diagonal group of five red English telephone booths
For decades, they were one of the most iconic symbols of England. The shape and the intense red color of the public telephone booths made them unforgettable. They were also a popular postcard motif and tourist souvenir in all kinds of formats. Unfortunately, they have disappeared - nice memories! (London, England, September 1993 - Image ID: 199309-GB-05)
Yellow autumn leaves on a footpath and street in a London park
Footpath and street in park with trees loosing autumn leaves
Yellow autumn leaves on a footpath and street in a London park
As with many historic places, it is very rare to see them without any restauration going on and the inevitable scaffolding. When I viisited Londn 30 years ago, I was lucky, and virtually all main attractions presented themselves in full glory. Not only that: also the London weather with its notoriously bad reputation was quite friendly and replaced fog with a clear blue sky. (London, England, September 1993 - Image ID: 199309-GB-03)
Night view of Houses of Parliament, Big Ben and River Thames
Houses of Parliament, Big Ben and River Thames at night
Night view of Houses of Parliament, Big Ben and River Thames
For some places, it is worth going back at a different time of the day, or even at night, where they look completely different. As with many historic places, it is very rare to see them without any restauration going on and the inevitable scaffolding. When I viisited Londn 30 years ago, I was lucky, and virtually all main attractions presented themselves in full glory. (London, England, September 1993 - Image ID: 199309-GB-06)
London Houses of Parliament, Big Ben and Westminster Abbey
Houses of Parliament, Big Ben and Westminster Abbey without scaff
London Houses of Parliament, Big Ben and Westminster Abbey
As with many historic places, it is very rare to see them without any restauration going on and the inevitable scaffolding. When I viisited Londn 30 years ago, I was lucky, and virtually all main attractions presented themselves in full glory. Not only that: also the London weather with its notoriously bad reputation was quite friendly and replaced fog with a clear blue sky. (London, England, September 1993 - Image ID: 199309-GB-01)
Mercedes AMG GT Coupe parked at traditional fishing harbour
Mercedes AMG GT S solarbeam in Yehliu fishing harbor
Mercedes AMG GT Coupe parked at traditional fishing harbour
The modern design of the AMG GT S Coupe meets the picturesque scenery of a traditional fishing harbor. For its launch back in 2015, Mercedes AMG used a very special metallic paint called "solarbeam". When you look at the car, you immediately understand why this name was chosen. The strikingly vibrant color shines even on cloudy days as if the car had integrated sunlight. Therefore, I took a lot of photos on a half-day round trip around Taiwan's Yangmingshan National Park mountain roads and the nearby coast. (Yehliu, Taiwan, December 2015 - Image ID 201512-TW-03)
Malayan red yellow and white fishing boat with floodlights
Colorful fishing trawler in the bay of Kota Kinabalu
Malayan red yellow and white fishing boat with floodlights
One morning during our stay in Kota Kinabalu, I went to a morning workout, and ran along the fishing harbor. I was very impressed with the colorful boats in the warm morning sunlight. So the next day I got up early again, and took my camera gear to take a whole series of photos. Fishing is an important sector in this region, providing jobs to a lot of people. Strong floodlights on the roof of the ship provide sufficient visibility at night when most of the fishing activity happens. (Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, July 2013 - Image ID 201307-MY-18)
Roofs and minarets of Kota Kinabalu City Mosque against sky
Kota Kinabalu City Mosque on Sabah, Malaysia
Roofs and minarets of Kota Kinabalu City Mosque against sky
The City Mosque is one of two large mosques in Sabah's capital Kota Kinabalu. Built in the 1990ies, it officially opened in year 2000. Apart from its size catering for up to 12.000 worshipers, its location on the shores of the South China Sea is quite special. Being partially surrounded by an artificial lake, the mosque has also become a major tourist attraction. (Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, July 2013 - Image ID 201307-MY-25)
Kuala Lumpur city centre with Petronas Twin Towers at night
Colorful Kuala Lumpur city centre with twin towers at night
Kuala Lumpur city centre with Petronas Twin Towers at night
This night image shows the city center of Kuala Lumpur with the iconic Petronas Twin Towers. When you visit, you definitely need to come both during the day as well as after sunset. From my personal point of view, it is not so much the height of the building that leaves a long-lasting impression. For me, the idea of constructing two identical towers of 88 floors next to each other, and connect them with a bridge, is really striking. (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 2013 - Image ID 201307-MY-02)
Low angle view of Petronas Twin Towers against cloudy blue sky
Petronas Twin Towers - an impressive view from below
Low angle view of Petronas Twin Towers against cloudy blue sky
As much as I like this picture, I can only partially illustrate how majestic the Petronas Twin Towers really are. Thinking about iconic buildings around the globe, this icon of Malaysia's capital Kuala Lumpur's will most likely score a top ranking. It was officially called the tallest building in the world from 1998 - 2004, until Taipei 101 was completed. From my perspective, it is however not so much the height itself that leaves a long-lasting impression. For me, the idea of constructing two identical towers of 88 floors next to each other, and connect them with a bridge, is really striking. (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 2013 - Image ID 201307-MY-09)
Low angle view of illuminated Petronas Twin Towers at night
The only way is up - Petronas Twin Towers at night
Low angle view of illuminated Petronas Twin Towers at night
Thinking about iconic towers around the globe, the Petronas Twin Towers in Malaysia's capital Kuala Lumpur's will most likely score a top ranking. It was officially called the tallest building in the world from 1998 - 2004, until Taipei 101 was completed. From my perspective, it is however not so much the height itself that leaves a long-lasting impression. For me, the idea of constructing two identical towers of 88 floors next to each other, and connect them with a bridge, is really striking. The KLCC looks fantastic also at night. (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 2013 - Image ID 201307-MY-01)
Red floral decoration on street lamp against modern buildings
Floral street lantern in Kuala Lumpur city centre
Red floral decoration on street lamp against modern buildings
As in most large cities, many high-rise buildings come in the standard colors white-grey-black. However, someone in Kuala Lumpur's city planning department had a brilliant idea. They added some red and green by wrapping a large number of streets lamps with artificial flowers. These really stand out, and made me smile (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 2013 - Image ID 201307-MY-04)
Hamburg Speicherstadt harbour city hall and sunshades against blue sky
Historic harbour city hall at Hamburg Speicherstadt
Hamburg Speicherstadt harbour city hall and sunshades against blue sky
Hamburg's "Speicherstadt" is the worlds largest warehouse ensemble. Built from the 1880'ies to the 1920'ies as part of the port, the building foundations rests on hundreds of huge wooden logs. The City of Warehouses now is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and a very popular tourist destination. The huge buildings made from red bricks are testimony of Hamburg's important role in global maritime trade. One of the most iconic buildings is this so-called Hafenrathaus (harbour city hall). (Hamburg, Germany, July 2013 - Image ID 201307-DE-09)
Closeup on window fascade of Hamburg Elbphilharmonie
Elbphilharmonie window structures and reflections
Closeup on window fascade of Hamburg Elbphilharmonie
As impressive as the Elbharmonie building in total may be, I was more interested in the unique fascade. The curved glass results in amazing reflections, and in combination with the light constantly changes the visual appearance of the building. Whilst there was a lot of criticism against the project due to the much higher than planned construction costs, the city of Hamburg now has a new icon. (Hamburg, Germany, July 2013 - Image ID 201307-DE-04)
Many blue and yellow cranes in Hamburg harbour against sky
Hamburg port "Blohm + Voss dock 10" crane parade
Many blue and yellow cranes in Hamburg harbour against sky
One of the "MUST DO's" when visiting Hamburg is a harbour cruise. Apart from the scenic views of the city, I found both the terminals and the docks very interesting. As the largest port in Germany, Hamburg was always considered the gateway to the world. During our trip, this parade of loading cranes caugt my attention. (Hamburg, Germany, July 2013 - Image ID 201307-DE-01)
Low angle view of four white sunshades framing dark blue sky
White sunshade collection and dark blue sky
Low angle view of four white sunshades framing dark blue sky
In summertime, both businesses and private people tend to add a very photographic element to cityscapes: sunshades! Especially restaurants and cafes provide comfort and protection to their guests by putting up a whole armada of them. Obviously, a lot of the sunshades are branded advertising, but then you also have the more neutral, designer-style sunshades. If you invest a bit of time to find the right position and angle, you will identify many stunning photo opportunities. (Hamburg, Germany, July 2013 - Image ID 201307-DE-07)
Hamburg harbour cruise paddle steamer with Elbphilharmonie
Lousiana Star harbour cruise against Elbphilharmonie
Hamburg harbour cruise paddle steamer with Elbphilharmonie
The "Lousiana Star" paddle steamer is one of the many options to explore the Hamburg harbour area. Whilst not typical for Germany, it blends in nicely into the large variety of boats, vessels and ships. In the background, partially covered, lies the still unfinished Elbphilharmonie. (Hamburg, Germany, July 2013 - Image ID 201307-DE-02)
Low angle view of modern residential building with yellow sunshade
Futuristic residential building with yellow sunshade
Low angle view of modern residential building with yellow sunshade
Walking around Hamburg on one hand is like a history lesson. There are a lot of unique old buildings to discover, giving testimony of the important role the city always played in global trade. On the other hand, there are many new developments, both residential and commercial. The one that almost called "Please take a photo" was this futuristic residential building. The unique architecture, combined with the intense color of both the fascade and the sky, plus the yellow sunshade made this ensemble a perfect photo model. (Hamburg, Germany, July 2013 - Image ID 201307-DE-06)
Yellow house wall with painted window and reflection
Window plus window reflection on a yellow wall
Yellow house wall with painted window and reflection
During our walk through the streets of Cannes, I spotted this interesting and colorful wall with a painted single window. Thanks to the afternoon sunshine, there was an interesting reflection of another real glass window right next to it. (Cannes, France, July 1993 - Image ID: 199307-FR-12)
Two green painted windows with blinds on a yellow wall
Rural village windows - Closed vs. Open
Two green painted windows with blinds on a yellow wall
On the way towards the Cote d'Azur, we passed a lot of mountain villages, where we also stayed over, and bought local products. As usual, I went to explore the area, and discoverd a lot of colorful walls and windows making the houses a very picturesque experience. (Route des Grandes Alpes, France, July 1993 - Image ID: 199307-FR-06)
Split harbour view with Diocletian palace and Jadrolinija ferry
History live - Split harbour view with Diocletian palace and cat
Split harbour view with Diocletian palace and Jadrolinija ferry
To fully appreciate the beauty of the historic city walls and buildings against the backdrop of the coastal mountains, one needs to move back quite a bit. The Palazzo di Diocleziano built by the Romans provides an amazing facade to the old town. I took this image from a boat on our way to visit some of the nearby islands. The harbour of split is quite a busy ferry port. In addition, countless tour operators offer boats and ships of all sizes for rent or days trips to local and international tourists. (Split, Croatia, June 2023 - Image ID: 202306-CR-37)
Collection of white flower pots lined up on a stone staircase in Split
Nature lover - Flower pot garden staircase in Split old town
Collection of white flower pots lined up on a stone staircase in Split
During our three days stay in Split, we obviously visited some of the usual tourist attractions such as the Roman Diocletian's palace. Obviously, being vacation time, there were quite a few people who shared the same idea. Therefore, I started to rather explore hidden treasures of the old town. Just walking around without any concrete plan always comes with nice surprises for the curious photographer. Amongst others, I found this nice botanic collection of a flower-loving owner of a guesthouse. (Split, Croatia, June 2023 - Image ID: 202306-CR-35)
Abandoned house in ruins in rural Croatia mountain village
Ghost town - Abandoned house in a rural mountain village
Abandoned house in ruins in rural Croatia mountain village
As in many other countries, there are a lot of abandoned buildings or even entire villages. On one hand, this is because of young people moving away into the larger cities. Hence, rural areas get less and less populated, with just some older people hanging in. When you have a bit of extra time, it is quite interesting to visit such lost places. Whilst not as spectacular as hotel or castle ruins, there is still a lot to discover. Just imagine how this place may have looked like decades ago, filled with life! (Dubrovnik area, Croatia, June 2023 - Image ID: 202306-CR-17)
Remains of former kitchen in an abandoned rural house
Masterchef - A long time ago
Remains of former kitchen in an abandoned rural house
Another room, another discovery: I found this old stove and oven in what previously must have been the kitchen. Now completely abandoned, and most empty, it seems nobody was interested in taking and reusing this old-fashioned equipment anymore. Therefore, it stayed at its original location, and now adds some extra flair to the otherwise empty place. How many years may have passed since someone last used it for cooking? I will probably never know... (Dubrovnik area, Croatia, June 2023 - Image ID: 202306-CR-21)
View on Lokrum island and Hotel Belvedere with red heart graffiti
Faded love - Red heart graffiti above abandoned Belvedere Hotel
View on Lokrum island and Hotel Belvedere with red heart graffiti
Despite the temperatures being already quite high in June, I decided to take a hike on the Frana Supila road east of Dubrovnik. From there, one can enjoy spectacular views of Lokrum, the Adriatic sea, and the fissured coastline. Due to the steep incline, it feels almost like an aerial view. One of the first sights was the abandoned Hotel Belvedere with Lokrum island in the background. Someone was kind enough to leave this graffiti heart behind, with its color perfectly matching the roof. (Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 2023 - Image ID: 202306-CR-26)
Red kayak and yellow paddle at sea, facing Dubrovnik city walls
Kayaking Dubrovnik - Breathtaking views of the majestic city walls
Red kayak and yellow paddle at sea, facing Dubrovnik city walls
One of the best ways to experience Dubrovnik from the sea is kayaking. Most people take guided tours, that usually cover surrounding the city walls, Lokrum island and the coastline with a number of caves. Whilst this comes with the plus of interesting information about the city and its history, there are a few providers who also offer kayaks just for rent by the hour. We decided to rather take this option which allows to travel at your own speed, and to take photos without any peer pressure to move on. (Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 2023 - Image ID: 202306-CR-08)
Empty outdoor swimming pool with graffitis at abandoned hotel
Lost places - Belvedere outdoor swimming pool facing Dubrovnik
Empty outdoor swimming pool with graffitis at abandoned hotel
"Lost places" have become popular destinations for photographers. The previous Hotel Belvedere in Dubrovnik has been abandoned since it was severely damaged by Serbian troops during the war in 1991. This huge 5-star luxury resort had only been in operation for just six years when it became a casualty of this armed conflict. Since then, several plans to restore it or to replace it with a new luxury hotel have failed. This image shows an outdoor pool with a beautiful view towards the city. (Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 2023 - Image ID: 202305-CR-16)
Plants growing inside the hall of an abandoned hotel ruin
Revival - Nature claiming back it's territory in abandoned hall
Plants growing inside the hall of an abandoned hotel ruin
"Lost places" where nature reclaims it's territory over time have become popular destinations for photographers. The previous Hotel Belvedere in Dubrovnik has been abandoned since it was damaged by Serbian troops during the war in 1991. The huge 5-star luxury resort had been in operation for just six years before it became a casualty. Since then, several plans to restore it or to replace it with a new luxury hotel have failed. Trees, bushes and grass don't care, they flourish in- and outside the ruins. (Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 2023 - Image ID: 202305-CR-22)
Indoor swimming pool ruins with graffiti at abandoned hotel
Once upon a time the indoor swimming pool of Hotel Belvedere
Indoor swimming pool ruins with graffiti at abandoned hotel
Even without glass, one can easily imagine the previous glory of this indoor pool. The previous Hotel Belvedere in Dubrovnik has been abandoned since it was severely damaged by Serbian troops during the war in 1991. This huge 5-star luxury resort had only been in operation for just six years when it became a casualty of this armed conflict. Since then, several plans to restore it or to replace it with a new luxury hotel have failed. (Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 2023 - Image ID: 202305-CR-17)
View of Dubrovnik old town, city walls and Lokrum island
Scenic view of Dubrovnik old town and Lokrum island from the city walls
View of Dubrovnik old town, city walls and Lokrum island
This is one of my favorite images from Dubrovnik. We obviously went for the tourist "MUST DO", and climbed the huge city walls. Whilst obviously rather crowded, it's worth going due to the spectacular views over the colorful rooftops and the Adriatic sea. Despite the heat, we decided to visit around noon time, since it was rather cloudy in the morning. This image towards the east shows almost the complete historic town, plus Lokrum island and the coastline in the background. (Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 2023 - Image ID: 202306-CR-03)
Old town Dubrovnik silhouette with city walls in the morning sun
Good morning Dubrovnik - Old town silhouette from the east
Old town Dubrovnik silhouette with city walls in the morning sun
Taken early in the morning from the small beach of St. Jakob, this image shows the impressive panorama of the "King's Landing". Whilst it has been a popular tourist destination for decades, the worldwide success of the "Game of Thrones" series results in a significant increase of overseas visitors, especially from the United States. The high and solid stone walls surrounding Dubrovnik provided solid protection from potential aggressors approaching the city from the sea. (Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 2023 - Image ID: 202305-CR-14)
Dubrovnik's Stradun street and buildings against blue sky
Dubrovnik old town - Stradun street against blue and cloudy sky
Dubrovnik's Stradun street and buildings against blue sky
At the risk of not using the correct term, I would call Stradun the main street in old town Dubrovnik. Packed with restaurants, shops and tourists, virtually everyone visiting the UNESCO World Heritage site, will pass through it. Since I didn't want to take the usual perspective including the impressively huge paving stones, I decided to shift the camera upwards. Whilst missing out on the action on the ground floor, I believe the photo still captures the essence and spirit of this popular place. (Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 2023 - Image ID: 202306-CR-01)
Dominican monastery and Lokrum view from Dubrovnik city wall
Must do - Dubrovnik view of Dominican monastery and Lokrum
Dominican monastery and Lokrum view from Dubrovnik city wall
One of the "MUST DO's" in Dubrovnik is to climb the up to 25 meters high city walls, and walk around the old town. Whilst obviously rather crowded, the reward are spectacular views over the orange/red rooftops and the Adriatic sea. Ideally, one should visit relatively early in the morning, or late in the afternoon. Otherwise, at midday, the 2km can become rather hot and long. The nice thing is: the view changes after each and every corner. This image shows the Dominican monastery with Lokrum island in the background. (Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 2023 - Image ID: 202306-CR-02)
Northwest view of Zadar old city and sea from cathedral tower
Zadar old city and sea from above - Northwest view
Northwest view of Zadar old city and sea from cathedral tower
Zadar on the Adriatic Sea is the oldest continuously inhabited city in Croatia. Especially the fortified old town is absolutely with visiting. Lots of restaurants and shops cater for the diverse demands of local and international travellers. Amongst the historic monuments, I was immediately attracted by the bell tower of the Cathedral of St. Anastasia. Upon climbing up the steep stairs, you are rewarded with an amazing 360 degrees panorama of Zadar. This photo shows the view in northwesterly direction. (Zadar, Croatia, May 2023 - Image ID: 202305-CR-01)
Southwest view of Zadar old city and sea from cathedral tower
Zadar old city and sea from above - Southwest view
Southwest view of Zadar old city and sea from cathedral tower
Zadar on the Adriatic Sea is the oldest continuously inhabited city in Croatia. Especially the fortified old town is absolutely with visiting. Lots of restaurants and shops cater for the diverse demands of local and international travellers. Amongst the historic monuments, I was immediately attracted by the bell tower of the Cathedral of St. Anastasia. Upon climbing up the steep stairs, you are rewarded with an amazing 360 degrees panorama of Zadar. This photo shows the view in southwesterly direction. (Zadar, Croatia, May 2023 - Image ID: 202305-CR-03)
Southeast view of Zadar old city and sea from cathedral tower
Zadar old city and sea from above - Southeast view
Southeast view of Zadar old city and sea from cathedral tower
Zadar on the Adriatic Sea is the oldest continuously inhabited city in Croatia. Especially the fortified old town is absolutely with visiting. Lots of restaurants and shops cater for the diverse demands of local and international travellers. Amongst the historic monuments, I was immediately attracted by the bell tower of the Cathedral of St. Anastasia. Upon climbing up the steep stairs, you are rewarded with an amazing 360 degrees panorama of Zadar. This photo shows the view in southeasterly direction. (Zadar, Croatia, May 2023 - Image ID: 202305-CR-02)
Street lamp and white framed window on an orange wall
Zadar old town exploration - Windows collection - Lantern
Street lamp and white framed window on an orange wall
Whenever I visit a town for the first time, I do enjoy just walking around to get a feeling for the location. This is particularly true for historic city centers, where there are so many details to discover. Obviously, there are the usual tourist attractions. In addition, I love to hunt for new motives for one of my many image subject collections. Amongst them, doors and windows are two of my oldest and broadest portfolios. In this regards, the old town of Zadar in Croatia had a lot to offer. (Zadar, Croatia, May 2023 - Image ID: 202305-CR-05)
Low angle view of Berlin TV Tower and Red Town Hall against sky
Berlin TV tower and Rotes Rathaus (=Red Town Hall) with clouds
Low angle view of Berlin TV Tower and Red Town Hall against sky
The sky over Berlin ("Wings of Desire") is a famous movie by German director Wim Wenders. When I visited Berlin in early May 2023, this sky presented itself at its best with a nice blue and dramatic cloud formations. I used this opportunity to take a few photos of places that I had visited before with less attractive light and weather conditions. I added the arch of a passage of another building to frame the famous Berlin TV-tower and the Red Town Hall ("Rotes Rathaus"). (Berlin, Germany, May 2023 - Image ID: 202305-DE-07)
Berlin cityscape with historic port of Berlin against cloudy sky
Historic port of Berlin and cityscape with TV tower
Berlin cityscape with historic port of Berlin against cloudy sky
Despite of many visits to Berlin, I always discover places that I have not seen before. When I returned in early May, I went for an urban exploration walk in the city center. This included the Fischerinsel / museum's island. At its southern tip, I found the historic port of Berlin. A number of vintage ships and boats are moored in the harbour, which doesn't operate as such anymore. From there, I enjoyed spectacular views of the skyline of Berlin Mitte & Alexanderplatz. (Berlin, Germany, May 2023 - Image ID: 202305-DE-09)
Low angle view of large and colorful Berlin residential building
Colorful residential building in Berlin with street lantern
Low angle view of large and colorful Berlin residential building
During my walk in the center of Berlin in early May, I intentially left the area with all the famous attractions, to explore some of the less touristic parts of the city. In general, this gives you a much better feeling for a place and the people who live there. South of the museum's island (Fischerinsel), I found this huge residential building, that occupied almost an entire street. In total, it must be more than 250m long. After some renovation, it's beautifully painted in different colors. (Berlin, Germany, May 2023 - Image ID: 202305-DE-10)
Scenic view over Wenwu Temple orange roofs on Sun Moon Lake
Wenwu Temple overlooking Sun Moon Lake
Scenic view over Wenwu Temple orange roofs on Sun Moon Lake
Easily accessible from the ring road surrounding Sun Moon Lake, most visitors will stop at the popular Wenwu Temple. Apart from the impressive interior, it is worth walking up to the top to enjoy a spectacular rooftop view over the lake. (Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan, March 2013 - Image ID: 201303-TW-07)
Looking down a hexagonal blue white staircase with safety net
Staircase in white and blue with safety net
Looking down a hexagonal blue white staircase with safety net
No pain, no gain. In order to enjoy a fantastic panoramic view over the famous Sun Moon Lake in Central Taiwan, a little physical effort is required. To get up to the viewing platform of the 46m high Ci'en Pagoda, one needs to climb up this beautiful white and blue staircase. Instead of just rushing up and down this hexagonal construction, it is worth stopping now and then, and have a look up and down. The simple design with just three colors will blow architecture and art fans away (Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan, March 2013 - Image ID: 201303-TW-04)
Colorful Ci'en Pagoda against blue sky at Sun Moon Lake
Ci'en Pagoda Sun Moon Lake
Colorful Ci'en Pagoda against blue sky at Sun Moon Lake
One of the major tourist attractions in the Sun Moon Lake area, not only because of the stunning architecture and colours, but also for its platform being a great sightseeing spot. (Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan, March 2013 - Image ID: 201303-TW-03)
Half-open blue metal door and white staircase with wooden railing
Stairs with half-open blue metal door
Half-open blue metal door and white staircase with wooden railing
After enjoying a fantastic view over the famous Sun Moon Lake, visitors will exit the tower via this decorative blue & white staircase via the half-open door with metal bars. Coming down from the 46m high Ci'en Pagoda, the return is a lot easier than the way up the equally colored staircase. The design with just three colors is so simple, and yet extremely eyecatching. A nice way to say good-bye... And after the last visitor has left, the bars ensure nobody can enter unauthorized. (Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan, March 2013 - Image ID: 201303-TW-05)
Band of musicians in red clothes at Taipei lantern festival
Lantern festival musicians
Band of musicians in red clothes at Taipei lantern festival
One integral part of the Festive Season are the lantern festivals. These exhibitions are extremely popular, resulting in huge crowds visiting them in the evenings. And whilst this band of musicians doesn't really play their traditional instruments, they are just fascinating. (Taipei City, Taiwan, February 2013 - Image ID: 201302-TW-10)
Colorful snake made out of lanterns at Taipei Festival
A colourful snake
Colorful snake made out of lanterns at Taipei Festival
One integral part of the Festive Season are the lantern festivals. Artists put up huge figures, animals and other objects, which are beautifully illuminated in countless colours. These exhibitions are extremely popular, resulting in huge crowds visiting them in the evenings. (Taipei City, Taiwan, February 2013 - Image ID: 201302-TW-09)
Closeup on Taipei Lantern Festival percussionist and musician
Illuminated percussion lanterns
Closeup on Taipei Lantern Festival percussionist and musician
One integral part of the Festive Season are the lantern festivals. Artists put up huge figures, such as these musicians with their illuminated drums and other instruments. These exhibitions are extremely popular, resulting in huge crowds visiting them in the evenings. (Taipei City, Taiwan, February 2013 - Image ID: 201302-TW-12)
Many blue tables with white benches on red tiled floor
Waiting for customers
Many blue tables with white benches on red tiled floor
On weekends, these tables are usually very busy, packed with families enjoying food and drinks outdoors. Due to the bad weather, I found them completely empty... (Taipei, Taiwan, January 2013 - Image ID: 201301-TW-05)
Couple with red rain jackets walking across Lovers Bridge
Lover's Bridge
Couple with red rain jackets walking across Lovers Bridge
The fisherman's wharf in Tamsui is a popular weekend destination for families living in Taipei. Lot's of restaurants cater for the culinary needs of the visitors. One of the most popular spots for couples is the pink-coloured "Lover's Bridge", even on days with really bad weather. (Tamsui, Taiwan, January 2013 - Image ID: 201301-TW-04)
Vertical low angle view of Taipei 101 skyscaper against cloudy sky
Bold architecture
Vertical low angle view of Taipei 101 skyscaper against cloudy sky
One of the first places fto visit obviously was Taipei101, the cities main tourism attraction with its 101 floors. Putting such a high-rise skyscaper in a earthquake hazard area required innovative architectural solutions, with a gigantic metal pendulum installed inside the building. (Taipei, Taiwan, January 2013 - Image ID: 201301-TW-03)
Colorful Dazhi ferris wheel and high-rise construction with cranes
Construction vs. ferris wheel
Colorful Dazhi ferris wheel and high-rise construction with cranes
The colourful Miramar feeris wheel has been in operation for quite some time, whereas new high rise buildings are coming up in the Dazhi neighborhood. (Taipei, Taiwan, January 2013 - Image ID: 201301-TW-08)
A lot of round red plastic stools perfectly lined up diagonally
Red plastic stool rows
A lot of round red plastic stools perfectly lined up diagonally
Year-round, the Liberty Square in the center of Taipei is used as a venue for many events. Whilst not the most comfortable seating, these chairs are waiting for the visitors to arrive. (Taipei, Taiwan, January 2013 - Image ID: 201301-TW-02)
Italian island village behind smoking sulphor field fumeroles
Sulphoric volcano fumes
Italian island village behind smoking sulphor field fumeroles
Living on a volcanic island with constant fumes flowing out of the crater always reminds you about the currently sleeping powers of nature. I guess the inhabitants of the small village on Volcano have got used to it. (Volcano Island, Italy, December 2022 - Image ID: 202212-IT-16)
Blue hour view of Mazzaro pepple beach with single chair
Mazzaro blue hour chair
Blue hour view of Mazzaro pepple beach with single chair
An off-season evening scene on the otherwise very busy beach of Isola Bella. Not sure who brought this chair here, but I was quite happy to have it as a photo model. (Mazzaro, Italy, December 2022 - Image ID: 202212-IT-21)
Scenic view from lounge deck with chairs and tables over the sea
Empty terrace lounge
Scenic view from lounge deck with chairs and tables over the sea
During low season, the otherwise very crowded attractions tend to be quite empty, even on days with beautiful winter weather. This terrace on top of the coffee shop next to the Taormina amphittheatre offers outstanding views over the Mediterrenean. (Taormina, Italy, December 2022 - Image ID: 202212-IT-03)
Boot-shaped patch of paint missing from yellow staircase wall
The boot
Boot-shaped patch of paint missing from yellow staircase wall
Urban exploration in Taormina: the old city with its narrow lanes has a lot of details to discover. Like this boot-shaped area where the paint came off an otherwise colourful staircase. Do we need a painter or a shoemaker to fix this? (Taormina, Italy, December 2022 - Image ID: 202212-IT-04)
Playa del Carmen sandy beach with palms and thatched huts
Playa del Carmen beach huts back in 2002
Playa del Carmen sandy beach with palms and thatched huts
Some of the first tourist accomodations in the nowadays busy city of Playa del Carmen were this kind of beach huts. Made from local natural resources, they blended nicely into the landscape with white sand and palmtrees. Some of them still exist today, alongside a lot of modern hotels and tourist resorts. (Riviera Maya, Mexico, November 2002 - Image ID 200211-MX-14)
View of the historic Hacienda Yaxcopoil in warm afternoon sunlight
Hacienda Yaxcopoil beauty
View of the historic Hacienda Yaxcopoil in warm afternoon sunlight
With the henequen boom in the late 1800s/early 1900s, large Haciendas emerged in the area of Merida, Yucatan. Business collapsed during the economic crisis in the 1920s, and even more with the invention of synthetic fibers. Some Haciendas have been renovated and turned into luxury hotels. Others are open for day visitors, definitely worth a trip. (Merida, Mexico, November 2002 - Image ID 200211-MX-01)
Weathered wall with wooden doors overlooking moss-covered floor
Ravages of time
Weathered wall with wooden doors overlooking moss-covered floor
Maintaining the ancient Haciendas iin the tropical climate is a never-ending battle against time, humidity and vegetation. This combination creates interesting photo opportunities. (Merida, Mexico, November 2002 - Image ID 200211-MX-05)
The early morning visit to major tourist attractions comes with many benefits  First, one can watch the sun rise, and enjoy the beautiful warm light  Second, one can still explore the area before the tsunami of day visitors moves in  I visited the iconic Mont Saint Michel twice, once in the afternoon, and a second time early the next morning  Doing so, I could also see it with different water levels  During high tide, the grasslands around Mont Saint Michel are under water  As long as you don't mind getting your shoes  or feet  dirty, this provides unique photo opportunities   France, Mont Saint Michel, October 2022   Image ID 202210 FR 30
Mont Saint-Michel morning sun high tide reflection
The early morning visit to major tourist attractions comes with many benefits  First, one can watch the sun rise, and enjoy the beautiful warm light  Second, one can still explore the area before the tsunami of day visitors moves in  I visited the iconic Mont Saint Michel twice, once in the afternoon, and a second time early the next morning  Doing so, I could also see it with different water levels  During high tide, the grasslands around Mont Saint Michel are under water  As long as you don't mind getting your shoes  or feet  dirty, this provides unique photo opportunities   France, Mont Saint Michel, October 2022   Image ID 202210 FR 30
The early morning visit to major tourist attractions comes with many benefits. First, one can watch the sun rise, and enjoy the beautiful warm light. Second, one can still explore the area before the tsunami of day visitors moves in. I visited the iconic Mont Saint-Michel twice, once in the afternoon, and a second time early the next morning. Doing so, I could also see it with different water levels. During high tide, the grasslands around Mont Saint-Michel are under water. As long as you don't mind getting your shoes (or feet) dirty, this provides unique photo opportunities. (France, Mont Saint Michel, October 2022 - Image ID 202210-FR-30)
Tidal magnitudes in the bay of Mont Saint Michel are the highest in the whole of Europe  Whilst the flood make it an island when it reaches the high stone walls, ebb tide offers completely different impressions   France, Mont Saint Michel, October 2022   Image ID 202210 FR 25
Yellow buoy
Tidal magnitudes in the bay of Mont Saint Michel are the highest in the whole of Europe  Whilst the flood make it an island when it reaches the high stone walls, ebb tide offers completely different impressions   France, Mont Saint Michel, October 2022   Image ID 202210 FR 25
Tidal magnitudes in the bay of Mont Saint Michel are the highest in the whole of Europe. Whilst the flood make it an island when it reaches the high stone walls, ebb tide offers completely different impressions. (France, Mont Saint Michel, October 2022 - Image ID 202210-FR-25)
During ebb tide, one can basically walk around the Mont Saint Michel, and admire its' beauty and architecture from all directions  To do something different, I took this image directly into the afternoon sun   France, Mont Saint Michel, October 2022   Image ID 202210 FR 27
Abbey silhouette
During ebb tide, one can basically walk around the Mont Saint Michel, and admire its' beauty and architecture from all directions  To do something different, I took this image directly into the afternoon sun   France, Mont Saint Michel, October 2022   Image ID 202210 FR 27
During ebb tide, one can basically walk around the Mont Saint Michel, and admire its' beauty and architecture from all directions. To do something different, I took this image directly into the afternoon sun. (France, Mont Saint Michel, October 2022 - Image ID 202210-FR-27)
A very pragmatic approach to create protected zones for swimmers that even work during ebb tide  Many cities in Brittany have this kind of natural saltwater pools  Water is replaced every 10 hours when the flood rises, and the pool disappears for some time   France, Saint Malo, October 2022   Image ID 202210 FR 15
Seawater swimming pool
A very pragmatic approach to create protected zones for swimmers that even work during ebb tide  Many cities in Brittany have this kind of natural saltwater pools  Water is replaced every 10 hours when the flood rises, and the pool disappears for some time   France, Saint Malo, October 2022   Image ID 202210 FR 15
A very pragmatic approach to create protected zones for swimmers that even work during ebb tide. Many cities in Brittany have this kind of natural saltwater pools. Water is replaced every 10 hours when the flood rises, and the pool disappears for some time. (France, Saint Malo, October 2022 - Image ID 202210-FR-15)
View of a village with typical round stone houses in the remote rural Lesotho highlands in winter
Typical rural Lesotho village in winter
View of a village with typical round stone houses in the remote rural Lesotho highlands in winter
For the local people living at this altitude, winter weather conditions are pretty tough. This is how many villages in rural areas of this beautiful, but also very poor country look like, with theit traditional round houses. (Lesotho, August 2012 - Image ID 201208-LS-06)
Scenic view of Atlantic ocean at sunset over Cape-Dutch rooftops
Evening atmosphere above the rooftops of Paternoster (photo pain
Scenic view of Atlantic ocean at sunset over Cape-Dutch rooftops
The typical, Dutch-inspired houses of the Cape Province in front of the intensely colored evening sky of the Atlantic. (Paternoster, South Africa, April 2012 - Image ID: 201204-ZA-21)
Dark storm clouds approaching Paternoster village at sunset
Threatening sunset over the rooftops of Paternoster
Dark storm clouds approaching Paternoster village at sunset
Dramatic, wildly romantic evening atmosphere above the typical houses of Paternoster in the Western Cape Province. (Paternoster, South Africa, April 2012 - Image ID: 201204-ZA-20)
Scenic aerial view of Cape Town Stadium with Signal Hill
Cape Town panorama from above - Photo Painting
Scenic aerial view of Cape Town Stadium with Signal Hill
Some places have the reputation of being spectacularly beautiful. They create this deep longing to visit at least once, and inspire people of all ages and cultures to travel. South Africa's Cape Town clearly falls into this category. Despite of all the photos and videos already seen, tourists are usually overwhelmed when they see it in person for the first time. A new highlight built for the 2010 World Cup is the "Cape Town Stadium" at the foot of Signal Hill. I consider it to be equally impressive from the air as from the ground. Looking at the entire panarama from the helicopter is just breathtaking. (Cape Town, South Africa, April 2012 - Image ID: 201204-ZA-14)
Scenic aerial view of Table Mountain and Cape Town harbour
Table Mountain and Cape Town harbour from above - Photo Painting
Scenic aerial view of Table Mountain and Cape Town harbour
Some places just have the reputation of being spectacularly beautiful. They create this deep longing to visit at least once, and inspire people of all ages and cultures to travel. Cape Town with its famous Table Mountain clearly falls into this category. And despite of all the photos and videos already seen, tourists are usually overwhelmed when they see it in person for the first time. From the air, the wild beauty of Cape Town and its surroundings becomes really clear. This photo taken from a helicopter shows the harbour with part of the city and Table Mountain in the background. (Cape Town, South Africa, April 2012 - Image ID: 201204-ZA-13)
Powerful flash over rooftops during thunderstorm at night
Massive Flash over Centurion
Powerful flash over rooftops during thunderstorm at night
During summer season, heavy thunderstorms frequently create spectacular effects on the Highveld, e.g. in Pretoria area - better to watch them from a safe indoor place... (Centurion, South Africa, January 2012 - Image ID: 201201-ZA-01)

About this archive

The Urban archives contain all photos that fit to the broader interpretation of this theme.

You will find city skylines, architecture, building details, cars, boats, as well as items typically found in urban environments in this section. AI-generated images are not part of my work!

As for all other categories, the images are a collection from all around the world. Therefore, it might be worth screening the entire collection to discover places that you may not have seen before.

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Some photos have a green icon in the upper right hand corner, a shopping bag. Clicking this icon will take visitors directly to one of my online stores. This includes my own image license store with downloads for private or business use. Other items are available as wall prints and photo presents  on fineartamerica.com, or as digital downloads on Getty Images.

Please enjoy the photographic journey within my Urban archives!


Powerful flash over rooftops during thunderstorm at night