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The friendly smile of a young Tibetan novice monk at Tashi Lhunpo monastery
A friendly smile - Tibetan monastery-school novice
The friendly smile of a young Tibetan novice monk at Tashi Lhunpo monastery
Isn't it amazing how much of a difference even a small smile can make? This young Buddhist novice shows us why and how! Visiting an active monastery, no matter which religion, always feels a bit strange. On one hand, it is of course very interesting to not only explore the buildings and historic treasures, but to also get a feeling of the daily life within the walls. On the other hand, one tends to feel like an intruder, not really fitting in. (Shigatse, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-61)
Diagonal scenic view of Lhasa's Potala Palace against cloudy snow-capped mountain peaks
Potala Palace against cloud- and snow-covered mountains
Diagonal scenic view of Lhasa's Potala Palace against cloudy snow-capped mountain peaks
What a breathtaking view to conclude our stay in Tibet. Despite (or because of?) the bad weather, the majestic Potala Palace with cloudy mountains covered by fresh snow looks absolutely magic. I particularly liked the sharp contrast between the impressive manmade construction, and the untamed beauty of nature. Zooming in combined these two elements even closer. (Lhasa, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-66)
Aerial blue hour view of the Himalayas with some peaks illuminated peaks
Himalaya snow covered peaks in blue - I
Aerial blue hour view of the Himalayas with some peaks illuminated peaks
For me, no matter which flight, it always needs to be a window seat. One never knows what exactly to expect, and may discover very interesting landscapes or manmade structures, looking completely different from an aerial view. This was definitely true on our flight from Lhasa to Chengdu, flying over extended high-mountain ranges covered with fresh snow. Absolutely out of this world !!! (Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-68)
Early morning view of the river banks of Tibet's Yarlung Zangbo river in mountain valley
Yarlung Zangbo River morning panorama
Early morning view of the river banks of Tibet's Yarlung Zangbo river in mountain valley
On our way to Lhasa's Gonggar Airport early in the morning, we once again met an old acquaintance: the Yarlung Zangbo River. This time, the sun was still too low to fully illuminate the valley. Therefore, the riverbed and the trees growing on its shores still lay in the shade, whereas the mountains in the background already started to warm up in the sunshine. A very peaceful and relaxing scenery to say goodbye to Tibet! (Yarlung Zangbo River, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-67)
Orange wall with a massive black portal hosting a nicely decorated red wooden door
Tashi Lhunpo red door and portal
Orange wall with a massive black portal hosting a nicely decorated red wooden door
Within the Tashi Lhunpo monastery, there are some truly impressive ancient door portals. Their striking colors and size make it impossible to miss them. My favorite was this red door integrated into a wall painted in dark orange. The thick black frame made it look even bigger than it actually was. And the colorful decoration on the wood and the door itself were very artistic. (Shigatse, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-58)
Red buildings with artfully decorated golden roof against mountain ridge
Tashi Lhunpo monastery against mountain ridge
Red buildings with artfully decorated golden roof against mountain ridge
One our way out, I took this photo showing some of the buildings and rooftops of the Tashi Lhunpo Monastery against the backdrop of the surrounding mountains. A number of prayer flags is distributed this steep and rocky terrain. The colors of the construction nicely fit to the earthy tones of nature. The ornaments and carvings on the buildings and the golden rooftops are an impressive evidence of Tibetan artistic skills. (Shigatse, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-62)
Low-angle view of white Tibetan stupas with golden top against blue sky
Tashi Lhunpo monastery stupas
Low-angle view of white Tibetan stupas with golden top against blue sky
The Tashi Lhunpo complex is the second largest monastery in Tibet. Founded back in 144t by the first Dalai Lama, it is the traditional seat of the Panchen Lama. At peak times, more than 4.000 monks resided within the huge complex. As in many other monasteries', Tashi Lhunpo also has some architecturally impressive and culturally important stupas which I captured against the dark blue cloudy sky. (Shigatse, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-57)
Rear view of an elderly couple in traditional clothes with prayer mill and walking stick
Elderly Tibetan pilgrim couple
Rear view of an elderly couple in traditional clothes with prayer mill and walking stick
Within the temple complex, we felt a quiet and peaceful atmosphere. This was further enhanced by the decent amount of visitors who came here for religious reason. I particularly liked this elderly couple equipped with a prayer mill. They slowly walked around the main square within the huge complex of the Palcho Monastery. (Gyantse, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-51)
Low-angle view of the huge nine-floor high Kumbum at Palcho Monastery against blue sky
Kumbum at Palcho Monastery
Low-angle view of the huge nine-floor high Kumbum at Palcho Monastery against blue sky
The main attraction within the huge Palcho Monastery complex is the Bodhi Dagoba, also called Kumbum, the largest of its kind in Tibet. More than 70 chapels are located on the nine floors within this impressive structure, with each of them being unique. I took quite a lot of photos from the inside as well, documenting the colorful shrines with wall paintings. Unfortunately, despite of having a local guide, it was rather difficult to understand and remember the meaning of all these historic artefacts. (Gyantse, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-52)
Frontal view of a building with a large wooden door and weathered bricks again sky with clouds
Brick house with wooden door against sky
Frontal view of a building with a large wooden door and weathered bricks again sky with clouds
After the interesting visit of the Palcho Monastery, we walked across to the other side of town to climb the Gyantse fortress. On our way, I discovered this very old looking brick building with its even older looking wooden door. If you look carefully, you will spot a single pigeon sitting on the upper left corner of this portal. I liked the weathered look of this construction against the dark blue sky. (Gyantse, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-53)
Deeply absorbed Tibetan woman with prayer mill on her pilgrimage inside Tashi Lhumpo monastery
Elderly Tibetan woman with prayer mill
Deeply absorbed Tibetan woman with prayer mill on her pilgrimage inside Tashi Lhumpo monastery
Our final of many temple visits in Tibet was the Tashi Lhunpo Monastery in Shigatse. It is very important both from a historical and cultural point of view. For this reason, many people travel there to worship. This elderly woman with her portable prayer mill seems to be completely focused on her walk around the main square of the monastery. (Shigatse, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-56)
Blue sky with white clouds and the red wall protecting the Palcho Monastery in Gyantse
Outer walls of Palcho Monastery
Blue sky with white clouds and the red wall protecting the Palcho Monastery in Gyantse
Another impressive destination on our journey through parts of Tibet was the Nyangchu river valley in Gyantse. It is home of the impressive Palcho Monastery. As most of the Tibetan monasteries, it is heavily fortified. A huge red colored wall built around it on the surrounding hills protects the entire complex. Just the low-angle view of this more than 500 year old construction against the dark sky was already quite amazing. (Gyantse, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-50)
Two white painted stones with Chinese writing and altitude marker 5.020m at Kharola Glacier in Tibet
Altitude markers at Kharola Glacier viewpoint
Two white painted stones with Chinese writing and altitude marker 5.020m at Kharola Glacier in Tibet
These markers confirm the altitude of the highest mountain pass on our transfer from Lhasa to Gyantse, exceeding 5.000 meters above sea level. We stopped for a while at this place, and enjoyed the spectacular views of the Kharola Glacier nice framed by the typical and colorful Tibetan prayer flags. (Kharola Glacier, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-47)
Close-up of two Tibetan women, holding a baby yak in their arms with the mother animal standing by
Two Tibetan women with baby yak
Close-up of two Tibetan women, holding a baby yak in their arms with the mother animal standing by
The highest mountain pass on our transfer from Lhasa to Gyantse reached more than 5.000 meters above sea level. We stopped for a while at this place, and enjoyed the spectacular views of the Kharola Glacier. Walking around a bit, we once again met some local Tibetan people who make a small business from posing for cameras with their typical costumes. My favorite image shows two women, one of them holding a baby yak with its mother standing next to them. (Kharola Glacier, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-45)
Ensemble of two mountain peaks, one with yellow-brownish grass and the other one with snow and ice on top
Snow covered mountain peak overlooking Tibetan grasslands
Ensemble of two mountain peaks, one with yellow-brownish grass and the other one with snow and ice on top
This is another example about the ever-changing natural beauty in the Tibetan highlands. On our way from Lhasa to Gyantse, we passed a lot of snow-covered mountains. Their bright white provided a strong contrast to the warm yellowish color of the ground, mostly covered by grass. (Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-43)
Large dark red prayer flags laid out on the arid floor with mountains and a beautiful lake in the background
Deep red prayer flags at high mountain lake
Large dark red prayer flags laid out on the arid floor with mountains and a beautiful lake in the background
This panoramic view once again underlines the stunning location and breathtaking beauty of the Yamzho Yumco lake in Tibet's Nagarze county. Surrounded by high mountains, the water reflects the blue of the sky. Whilst the surface due to the high altitude of 4.500m above sea level is only scarcely vegetated, there are other elements adding a lot of color. Whilst these are not the traditional multi-colored Tibetan prayer flags, I liked them a lot due to their intense dark red. (Gampa Pass, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-39)
Beautifully decorated Tibetan Yak standing on the edge of a mountain road
Yak with colorful Tibetan decoration
Beautifully decorated Tibetan Yak standing on the edge of a mountain road
On our drive from Lhasa to Gyantse, the road climbed to more than 4.500 meters above sea level at the Gampa Pass. One of the attractions on our route was the beautiful Yamzho Yumco lake. The water shines in an amazing turquoise color, reflecting the blue sky. With many tourist stops en route, this has become an important source of income for some local people. Apart from posing for cameras with their typical costumes, their beautifully decorated yaks are quite popular photo models. (Gampa Pass, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-36)
Scenic view of the turquoise Tibet's Yamdrok reservoir lake from Gampa Pass
Panoramic view of Yamzho Yumco lake
Scenic view of the turquoise Tibet's Yamdrok reservoir lake from Gampa Pass
On our drive from Lhasa to Gyantse, we passed quite a lot of spectacular mountains and lakes. One rest place was overlooking the beautiful Yamdrok lake reservoir at an altitude of almost 4.500m above sea level. It is one of four holy lakes in Tibet, and with more than 70km in length, also one of the largest freshwater reservoirs. With the surrounding snow-covered mountain peaks, the scenery is absolutely breathtaking. (Yamdrok Lake, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-35)
Portrait of smiling Tibetan farmer in traditional costume with little goat
Proud owner of a cute little goat
Portrait of smiling Tibetan farmer in traditional costume with little goat
After a few days in Lhasa, we moved on to our next destination. On our way to Gyantse, the road climbed to more than 4.500 meters above sea level at Gampa Pass. One of the attractions on our route was the beautiful Yamzho Yumco lake. With a lot of tourists stopping at various viewpoints, some local Tibetans make a living from posing for photo and video cameras with their typical costumes and animals. (Gampa Pass, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-32)
Rocky beach with waves of the Yamzho Yumco lake against blue sky with large white clouds
Waves washing onto the rocky shores of Yamzho Yumco lake
Rocky beach with waves of the Yamzho Yumco lake against blue sky with large white clouds
After an extended stop, enjoying the spectacular lake and mountain scenery, we continued our journey towards Gyantse. The road descended towards the Yamdrok Lake reservoir, so we asked the driver for another stop to explore the lakeshore. It was quite windy and cold that day, so some smaller waves washed onto the rocky beach. The lake tends to freeze during winter. (Yamdrok Lake, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-41)
Rear side view of a Tibetan woman performing a prayer against mountain landscape with colorful flags
Say a highland prayer for me
Rear side view of a Tibetan woman performing a prayer against mountain landscape with colorful flags
After some interesting days in Lhasa, it was time to go to our next destination. On the way to Gyantse, the Gampa Pass climbs more than 4.500 meters above sea level. One of the attractions on our route was the beautiful Yamzho Yumco lake. With a lot of tourists stopping at various viewpoints, some Tibetans make a living from posing for cameras with their typical costumes. This woman performed some kind of a prayer ceremony. (Gampa Pass, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-33)
Portrait of a friendly smiling fruit vendor with his cart filled with citrus fruit and apples
Happy fruit merchant in Lhasa
Portrait of a friendly smiling fruit vendor with his cart filled with citrus fruit and apples
When you walk around a town during a holiday trip, one tends to get a feeling about the locals living there as well. Are they open, curious and welcoming towards visitors, or rather shy or even showing a repressive attitude? During our time in Lhasa, we mostly met people who fell into the first category. Even though communication was difficult due to language issues, we saw a lot of friendly smiles. This fruit merchant proudly presented his mobile shop to us. (Lhasa, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-29)
Low-angle view of many ropes with Tibetan prayer flags attached to a stony mountain peak
Colorful Tibetan prayer flags against blue sky
Low-angle view of many ropes with Tibetan prayer flags attached to a stony mountain peak
One of the first things that come to your mind after travelling to Tibet are the colorful prayer flags. Traditionally, the colors represent the five pure lights. They can be found almost everywhere, especially along trails and on mountain peaks. This makes sense since their purpose is to bless the surrounding area. I found this accumulation of Tibetan prayer flags in the mountains above the Yumbu-Lha Khang monastery in Tsetang. (Tsetang, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-20)
Line-up of four metal chairs with red seats and backs in front of a weathered blue wall
Four aged metal chairs with red seats
Line-up of four metal chairs with red seats and backs in front of a weathered blue wall
Yes, these chairs have definitely seen better days. But they are still in working condition, and therefore are properly lined up, waiting for "customers". I found this line-up during a stroll in the narrow alleys and streets of the old town of Lhasa. (Lhasa, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-27)
Pieces of fresh meat hanging outside a butchery in Lhasa Old Town
Freshly cut meat in Lhasa old town butchery
Pieces of fresh meat hanging outside a butchery in Lhasa Old Town
I always find it quite interesting to visit local markets when I travel to foreign countries. For visitors coming from "developed countries", this might not be the most appealing place to buy meat. However, this is how a local butchery in Lhasa old town looks like, and the merchandise was quite fresh. What obviously helps are the low temperatures in Tibet, compared to similar set-ups in the tropics. (Lhasa, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-30)
Green painted sheet metal with a silver bucket, a broom and a floor wiper
Ready for spring cleaning
Green painted sheet metal with a silver bucket, a broom and a floor wiper
In many cultures, the awakening of spring is also the time when people do a major clean-up in their homes and gardens. After a long and sometimes tough winter, this marks the beginning of a new era. Therefore, even people usually not very passionate about housekeeping do follow this tradition. I found this diverse line-up in the old town of Lhasa. (Lhasa, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-28)
Low-angle view of a dark-blue parasol with the shade of the branch of a tree
Blue sunshade with tree shadow
Low-angle view of a dark-blue parasol with the shade of the branch of a tree
Admittedly, this sunshade photo could be from anywhere, and Tibet would probably one of the last places I would guess. However, this is where I found this beautiful blue color. The purpose of the umbrella was to protect guests sitting outside in the patio of a local restaurant in Lhasa. In addition to the structure of the sunshade, a branch of a tree also left an interesting shadow pattern on the textile parasol. (Lhasa, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-31)
Low-angle view of white and red painted road guiding posts against mountains and blue sky
Red and white concrete road guiding posts
Low-angle view of white and red painted road guiding posts against mountains and blue sky
One of the things I love about photography is that is sharpens your eye, and makes you see the world around you with a different perspective. This includes even simple things, such as these concrete guiding posts on a rural road in Tibet. There was nothing spectacular about this place, so I started to find a different (low-angle) viewpoint. Combining the red and white manmade objects with the natural spring awakening of the trees and the bold mountains in the background created an interesting composition. (Yarlung Zangbo River, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-22)
Collection of many flower pots with plants in full blossom against red wall
Lhasa old town flower lover
Collection of many flower pots with plants in full blossom against red wall
The old town of Lhasa is an absolute paradise for photographers who enjoy "urban exploration". Whenever I go to a new place, I do enjoy just walking around to absorb the specific atmosphere. Instead of ticking of tourist attractions, I focus on capturing ordinary details. This collection of flower pots against the beautiful red of the stone wall immediately caught my attention. It seems that the owner of this house really likes plants. (Lhasa, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-21)
Scenic view of Yumbu-Lha Khang palace with prayer flags overlooking green mountain valley
Yumbu-Lha Khang monastery with prayer flags
Scenic view of Yumbu-Lha Khang palace with prayer flags overlooking green mountain valley
Amongst the many monasteries' visited during our 1o days trip, I really liked Yumbu-Lha Khang in Tsetang. This is not so much about the architecture or religious treasures within the building. What I enjoyed most is the spectacular location on a small peak, half way up the mountain . From there, visitors can enjoy nice views over the valley, which in April already changed from winter into spring mode. Combined with the omnipresent Tibetan prayer flags, this resulted in a remarkable piece of art. (Tsetang, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-19)
Highly color-saturated Tibetan prayer flags above the bank of the Yarlung Zangbo river flowing through Tibet mountain landscape
Colorful Tibetan prayer flags at Yarlung Zangbo river bank
Highly color-saturated Tibetan prayer flags above the bank of the Yarlung Zangbo river flowing through Tibet mountain landscape
This is another shot of the omnipresent Tibetan prayer flags. These ones were located right on the riverbed next to the road, and as such easy to spot and capture. Driving alongside the Yarlung Zangbo River running through the dry Tibetan mountain landscape never gets boring. Nature alone creates tons of photo opportunities. These rectangular flags were an optional extra that adds a lot of color to the image. (Yarlung Zangbo River, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-24)
Side-view of one Eurasian hoopoe sitting on rocks on top of mountain
Eurasian hoopoe mountain lookout
Side-view of one Eurasian hoopoe sitting on rocks on top of mountain
Most tourists coming to Tsetang go there to visit the famous Yumbu-Lha monastery. And so I did together with my family. However, the spectacular scenery with the surrounding mountains also caught my attention. While taking a 360 degrees survey of the area, I spotted this beautiful bird sitting on the rocks. Thankfully, it stayed there for quite some time, so I could take a few pictures. (Tsetang, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-15)
A small boat crossing the Yarlung Zangbo River with fresh green trees on the riverbank
Crossing the Yarlung Zangbo River by boat
A small boat crossing the Yarlung Zangbo River with fresh green trees on the riverbank
During our stay in Tibet, we took a day tour from Lhasa to Tsetang to visit the famous Thradrug monastery. On our way, we drove along the Yarlung Zangbo River. The blue water and sky created an amazing contrast to the bald mountains in the background, and the fresh spring green of the trees. The small red boat was the cherry on the top for this scenic landscape photo. (Yarlung Zangbo River, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-10)
White cloud with the shape of a hot-air balloon on top of a mountain peak with green tree on the right
Hot-air balloon shaped cloud
White cloud with the shape of a hot-air balloon on top of a mountain peak with green tree on the right
Sometimes it doesn't require any famous buildings or breathtaking landscapes to create interesting photo opportunities. Looking up into the sky will frequently reward us with unusual cloud shapes and patterns. This one reminds me of a hot air balloon, ready for take-off into the dark blue sunny skies above Tibet. (Tsetang, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-12)
Yellow triangle-shaped road sign with black frame showing a house and tree
Unique Tibetan road sign against blue sky
Yellow triangle-shaped road sign with black frame showing a house and tree
No matter how hard I try to remember where exactly I took this picture, I can't. This wouldn't normally be important for a road sign, but in this case it probably would help to understand the meaning of this interesting design. Anybody out there who can help? (Tsetang, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-14)
Scenic view of a valley in Tibet in spring with trees showing first green leaves
Winter is over - Fresh green trees in mountain valley
Scenic view of a valley in Tibet in spring with trees showing first green leaves
Whilst especially in winter vast parts of Tibet are extremely dry and almost desert-like, there are some areas in the valley where you can always find some green. For us, travelling in April was quite nice since we could already enjoy the first signs of spring. This image is from a valley near Tsetang, the forth largest city in Tibet. I always loved the fresh green of the leaves when the trees awake from their winter hibernation. (Tsetang, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-13)
Close-up on wall with religious symbols and golden rooftop within the Jokhang Temple in Lhasa
Golden roof and wall symbols of Jokhang Temple
Close-up on wall with religious symbols and golden rooftop within the Jokhang Temple in Lhasa
Another very popular destination for both pilgrims and tourists visiting Lhasa is the Jokhang Monastery. This Buddhist temple located at Barkhor Square in the city center probably is the most sacred one in the whole of Tibet. The oldest parts date back to year 650, and the building was then extended in various stages until it reached it's impressive current size. The walls are decorated with many carved symbols and figurines, on top of which there are golden roofs, deer statues and a Dharma wheel . (Lhasa, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-05)
Partial view of the Potala Palace in Lhasa from low angle against blue sky
Low-angle view of Potala Palace
Partial view of the Potala Palace in Lhasa from low angle against blue sky
The Potala Palace probably is the most famous building in Lhasa. Build on top of a hill, this fortified monastery truly stands out with its unique architecture and the red and white paint. The size of 400x300m with 13 stories, more than 1.000 rooms and countless shrines is equally impressive. Therefore, this World Heritage Site is an absolute must on every tourist's agenda. Since the mid of the 17th century until 1959, it used to be the winter palace for the Dalai Lamas. (Lhasa, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-04)
Golden dharma wheel and two lying deer on top of the Jokhang temple with mountain range in the background
Jokhang Temple rooftop with Dharma Wheel and Chinese flag
Golden dharma wheel and two lying deer on top of the Jokhang temple with mountain range in the background
Apart from the interior, a visit to the rooftop of the Jokhang Temple is highly recommended. From there, visitors can enjoy stunning views over the city of Lhasa and the surrounding mountains. This image also shows one of the most iconic Buddhist symbols of this sacred place: two golden deer flanking the Dharma Wheel, representing Buddha's teaching and the walking of the path to enlightenment. (Lhasa, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-07)
A group of sixteen Tibetan pilgrims on top of the Jokhang Temple against sky and mountain range
Group of Buddhist pilgrims on Jokhang Temple rooftop
A group of sixteen Tibetan pilgrims on top of the Jokhang Temple against sky and mountain range
As the most sacred and most important Buddhist temple in Tibet, the Jokhang Monastery attracts a lot of pilgrim visitors. This group covering people of all ages was kind enough to let me take some pictures. One could clearly sense how important and inspiring it was for them to visit this holy place. Unfortunately, a more in-depth communication about their origin and journey was not possible due to language barriers. (Lhasa, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-08)
Jokhang Monastery golden roof against blue sky
Golden roof details from Lhasa's Jokhang Monastery
Jokhang Monastery golden roof against blue sky
This close-up of one of the golden roofs on top of the Jokhang Temple shows the incredible artwork of the architects and craftsmen. Both the paintings on the wooden parts, as well as all the golden carvings and figurines are absolutely breathtaking, especially on sunny days with blue skies. (Lhasa, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-06)
Family picture of Tibetan pilgrim couple with toddler on top of the Jokhang Temple in Lhasa
Close-up of Tibetan pilgrims family
Family picture of Tibetan pilgrim couple with toddler on top of the Jokhang Temple in Lhasa
This close-up of a Tibetan family is also from the rooftop of the Jokhang Temple, the most sacred Buddhist monument in Tibet. They were kind enough to let me take some pictures during their visit. One could clearly sense how important and inspiring it was for them to visit this holy place. Unfortunately, a more in-depth communication about their origin and journey was not possible due to language barriers. (Lhasa, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-09)
Qinghai-Tibet plateau landscape in winter with snow-covered mountain peaks and stream flowing through grasslands
Idyllic stream flowing through Tibetan highland plateau
Qinghai-Tibet plateau landscape in winter with snow-covered mountain peaks and stream flowing through grasslands
There is a famous saying "The journey is the destination!" This is absolutely true for the epic train ride from Xining to Lhasa. Climbing up to the Qinghai-Tibet plateau, this 23 hour trip offers spectacular views of the vast and empty highland landscape. In April, snow-covered mountains, icy rivers and yellowish grasslands created amazing contrasts with the dark blue sky. Reaching altitudes of more than 5.000m, we were glad that the train was pressurized with plenty of oxygen available. (Qinghai, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-02)
Basketball court in a remote Tibetan highlands landscape
High-altitude basketball court
Basketball court in a remote Tibetan highlands landscape
Whilst most of the views from the Tibet Rail show empty landscapes, from time to time the train passes small towns and other settlements. In addition to that, one may spot some interesting details such as this lonely police station somewhere in the middle of nowhere. To ensure the fitness of the staff working in this rather remote location, they even installed a basketball field. An almost surrealistic scenery... (Qinghai, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-03)
Qinghai-Tibet plateau landscape in winter with grasslands, snow-covered peaks and a river
Endless Tibetan grassland with winter mountain peaks
Qinghai-Tibet plateau landscape in winter with grasslands, snow-covered peaks and a river
The journey is the destination! This famous saying is absolutely true for the epic train ride from Xining to Lhasa. Climbing up to the Qinghai-Tibet plateau, this 23 hour trip offers spectacular views of the vast and empty highland landscape. In April, snow-covered mountains, icy rivers and yellowish grasslands created amazing contrasts with the dark blue sky. Reaching altitudes of more than 5.000m, we were glad that the train was pressurized with plenty of oxygen available. (Qinghai, Tibet, April 2014 - Image ID: 201404-CN-01)

About this archive

The Tibet archives contain a selection of my favorite images taken during my (so far) one and only trip to this fascinating place in Asia.

Since I went there during my time living in Taiwan, the travel time and distance were relatively short. However, there is another challenge that most travelers will experience: the altitude. With an average elevation of more than 4,300 m / ~approx. 14,000 feet, Tibet is the highest region on this planet. For people used to live at low altitudes, this can be tough, especially on the first days until the body starts to adapt. On top of that, the climate is extremely dry. Drinking lots and lots of water is important to avoid headaches and sleep issues.

Instead of flying straight into the capitol of Tibet, we opted for a more adventurous start of our journey. We took the train from Xining to Lhasa, which took almost an entire day (23h). But the views out of the window of the train passing endless desert-like mountain landscapes were absolutely worth it.

Obviously, within just two week, it was impossible to explore the entire area of around 2,500,000 km2, most of them located on the Tibetan Plateau. For me, the two main attractions were the breathtaking scenery with amazing landscapes, and the rich culture with ancient yet vibrant cities, and many Buddhist monasteries.

Since it is not allowed to travel on your own, we took a tour with a friendly and very knowledgeable local guide. This proved quite helpful, not only because of language issues, but also to understand many of the places we visited during a few day trips out of Lhasa and a four day round-trip covering Shigatse and Gyantse.

Please enjoy scrolling through my Tibet archives.

Qinghai-Tibet plateau landscape in winter with grasslands, snow-covered peaks and a river