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As explained on the IDEA page, images are uploaded based on the date they were taken, going always back 40/30/20/10 years. Therefore, some images taken 3 years ago (2019), will only be due for publication on this website in 7 years (2029).
The portfolio works a bit like a blog with frequent (not daily) image uploads, estimated to become at least 50 photos per year. As such, over time, the collection will grow substantially, and visitors might be overwhelmed by the quantity of pictures. Therefore, I would like to keep the shop rather clean, with a much lower number of the “best” images. This term obviously is subjective and based on my personal preferences. In addition to this, some photos are exclusively licensed via Getty Images, and therefore not available for direct purchase. If you are interested in a picture that is not loaded in the shop, please send me the image ID number, using the contact form, and I will get back to you shortly.
Most photographers do not offer “private licenses” at all, but rather focus on business customers only prices set for this target group. Given the purpose of this webpage, I decided to make my images available to a broader global audience at an affordable price, based on trust. With the image file resolution of 300dpi and 2100px, according to my experience, images are suitable for all private usage on the web (e.g. your personal non-commercial blog), as well as for good prints up to 75x50cm.
For larger posters, I would recommend going for the “Business High Resolution” option, since it comes with a minimum of 4200px on the longer side of the image. As such, at least 12 Megapixel are available for guarantee excellent quality also for large-sized prints on any material.
Whereas pictures on digital cameras are born as .jpg, .tif or RAW files, all photos taken on analogue material such as slides first must be scanned before they become available as an image file. I made the switch to digital relatively late (2010) since early cameras did not provide the same brilliance in contrast and colors that I always loved about my Fujichrome slide films. Hence, I scanned all my old slides, using what many experts consider the best product for this task: the Nikon Coolscan 5000 ED. However, due to the original source material, such images do have a higher level of grain / noise than state-of-the-art digital cameras. This effect is less visible on canvas prints, and more prominent on alu-dibond or acrylic glass prints. Some of the older photos are available as photo paintings, where grain doesn’t really matter.
My first images were taken on Revueflex ACX (see page “Early Attempts”), after which I switched to analogue Minolta X700 with Minolta lenses. In 2010, I moved into the digital world, and changed to Nikon D300S and later Nikon D800, both with several original Nikon plus some Sigma lenses.
I trust in your understanding that for privacy protection, I don’t want to publish my residential address on the world wide web. Therefore, if someone wants to send a letter rather than using the contact form or email, the message will still reach me via the “c/o” postal address.
The donation amounts are based on the net proceeds generated from both my “Image License Store” on this website, as well as the ones from prints sold on the “OhMyPrints” website. For the image licenses, 50% of the invoice amount excluding VAT will be donated to the designated organization. For the prints, the invoice amount includes the cost (production, packing, delivery) and commission of OhMyPrints, and a margin for the artist. I will donate 50% of my net margin excluding VAT, which equals approximately 10% of the total purchase price. All expenses related to my business, including the development and running costs of this website, are paid from my margin.